View Full Version : Male or Female
24th February 2004, 05:39 PM
Sunshine asked for it an now here it is.
'Twas going to be very simple with only two choices. How easy would that have been. But I decided to complicate things a little and in doing so become a little more politically correct. Not!
24th February 2004, 05:56 PM
Glad to see that you included the idiot box for me........
Hey at least I'm complete.............
24th February 2004, 06:36 PM
Sorry but I'm not allowed to vote on this sort of thing without the spouses permission...... "COMING DEAR!!!"
24th February 2004, 09:51 PM
Sorry Neil but you could probably drop off the last two choices as sexual preference does not alter gender. Logically you don't have the many other versions of male/female classifications so these two stand out.
Thank goodness we haven't applied political correctness in our native taxonomy because they have a few twists that humans have yet to evolve to.
24th February 2004, 10:01 PM
I added the last two "choices"..... just in case..... but if you don't like 'em or are afraid of/embarassed by them I shall delete them.
24th February 2004, 10:14 PM
Not bothered by them just pointing out the inconsistency in the classification. In other words being a smart . :)
25th February 2004, 09:38 AM
What about the “I was a male now I’m a gay female” option …
No sorry I should behave, I am an idiot…
25th February 2004, 11:24 AM
According to a recent survey, over 90% of the population is male, the nearly 3% of the population that were female have become male. This is a very worrying trend. Especially for the continuation of the species.
I think we need to have a Senate Inquiry into these alarming statistics.
Geoff Allen
25th February 2004, 01:38 PM
I think there is something wrong with the results.
Both Ozwinner and Wongo have said they are idiots and I voted that way but the results only show 2 votes.
Perhaps we need another category for those of us that are Complete Idiots?
Wood Borer
25th February 2004, 01:58 PM
People with split personalities might find it difficult only being able to vote once.
Perhaps they log in as different people on different days so it might be OK.
- Wood Borer
Caring for everyone
25th February 2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Geoff Allen
I think there is something wrong with the results.
Both Ozwinner and Wongo have said they are idiots and I voted that way but the results only show 2 votes.
Perhaps we need another category for those of us that are Complete Idiots?
Maybe your computer knows different, you know computers dont lie.
Or maybe Wongo and I, only said that we voted for the idiot, because we are Idiots we wouldnt know anyway.
Confused? Me too, I think.
26th February 2004, 12:07 PM
some people i meet have been kind enough to point out that i must be a SHEMAN because i know which end of a hammer to bang them on the head with after they have insulted me and how to bury the body under a DIY consructed deck using the following tools:
"Bloke & Deck-her"
"De Walter"
The critics have been disposed of, dispatched and degendered as seen fit( the deck has been enlarged!!).
27th February 2004, 09:52 PM
I.m afraid you haven't got a category for me. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body !
Bob Willson
28th February 2004, 02:36 AM
I don't understand the question. What are we voting for again?
1st March 2004, 04:51 PM
You've missed out quite a few!
I recall reading of "supermales" and "superfemales", not in the context of the size of their tools, but having additional chromosomes. Not just XY, but XXY or XYY and so on.
There are also "merms" and "ferms", I think. Sounds like something along the lines of geeps (goat/sheep cross) or ligers and tigrons.
At least you don't need an option for "Y" only chromosome, because apparently that doesn't produce a viable human.
Kev Y.
4th March 2004, 10:02 PM
I was going to leave a smart AR@E answer, but it would seem that in this instance I am way out of my class..
9th March 2004, 07:08 PM
What about the guy talked about on the radio this morning who was a guy, then changed to a girl, decided their life was too crap and changed back again?
9th March 2004, 07:31 PM
I heard that story, makes you wonder where they got the new Todge from..
Cheers, Todgeless
10th March 2004, 12:47 AM
Perhapes they saved it from the first time around........
Or perhapes... he's Bobbitt's brother.....
14th April 2004, 10:16 AM
Where are the Eunuchs?
(Don't they design software?)
Iain, I believe I am an agent of God!:confused:
15th April 2004, 10:53 AM
No Iain,
Eunochs are dancers, didn't you ever watch Blackadder.
They don't design software, they have already had that designed for them! :D
7th May 2004, 10:42 AM
I must say some of the answers in this section have been interesting and I just can not resist adding my two cents worth. I am a male research scientist and every now and then you read an article and think my god how little we know.
A woman in the US was in a paternity suit with her ex, in the court case he was proven to be the father but she was not the mother. It turned out that she was actually a chimera of her and an unborn female sibling that merged just after the eggs were fertilised, her reproductive organs were where the others cells dominated. She had two children and only one was hers!!. It now seems that this general phenomonen, women harbour cells from their children for between 15-20 years (and may actually be a lot longer). Children also recieve cells from their mother and they are viable for a long time as well.
So if you are male you have at least some of your mothers cells (ie containing XX chromosomes). There is also the possibility as yet unproven that this can persist accross generations ie grandparents cells as well.
Upshot is that you may think you are you alone, but obviously you are not.
7th May 2004, 11:10 AM
Actually eunuchs were singers. As young boys with soprano voices, their voices were so treasured, that they were castrated so that they didn't loose their voice, never physically reaching puberty.
They were also known as The Castrati.
7th May 2004, 12:18 PM
Didn't Kings and stuff use eunuchs to look after the Queen and princesses, 'cos they weren't gonna get any notions of intereferring with the ladies chastity, or is that just some garbage I saw in a movie?
7th May 2004, 08:03 PM
Ah Stuart, you are in my little realm now.
Eunuchs were actually the guards of the harems of the sheiks and they were emasculated not castrated.
Some eunuchs have fathered children (the mind boggles, how is it done without the wedding tackle?).
The castrati, proper terminology, counter tenor, were castrated to keep their own high soprano voices and caused great conflict in the catholic church as they did not condone the act of mutilation for whatever reason, but it was decided that these boys performed this act for god therefore it was alright (?).
The modern counter tenor achieves his high notes through proper training and voice control, and not by sitting on the mop bucket.
And to vouch for the sexual preferences of the counter tenor, I have a friend who is one and he is a bloody liability around young attractive women.
Also in Spain they were sought after by the courts and could demand any payment they liked as they were so in favour during the 18th century.
7th May 2004, 10:17 PM
So what you're saying, Iain, is that the boy sopranos had to be orchestrated?
10th June 2004, 09:31 AM
i am male at least i was the last time i looked .
10th June 2004, 07:54 PM
Aahh, a McDonald with a quarter pounder intact :D
5th August 2004, 11:51 PM
Strange poll... I do like the alien one though... Good to see this site supporting multiculturism LOL
Ivan in Oz
15th August 2004, 02:48 PM
I'm now not sure how to vote.......................... :confused:
I thought Ppl said that I was a Eunuch :eek:
Now I realise that they MENT Unique, but after I got "THE CHOP" :confused: :confused:
I Dunno :o
21st January 2005, 08:35 PM
I am quite amazed that after nearly going a year, only 6 people on here have owned up to being idiots!
21st January 2005, 08:40 PM
I am quite amazed that after nearly going a year, only 6 people on here have owned up to being idiots!
Most of us are too stupid to read so we just picked the first one.
21st January 2005, 09:07 PM
where is the box to tick if u are american, aren't they a breed apart!!!!
Bob Willson
22nd January 2005, 08:38 AM
I am quite amazed that after nearly going a year, only 6 people on here have owned up to being idiots!:)
Umm... Sometimes I feel a little bit silly.
4th February 2005, 12:22 PM
Umm... Sometimes I feel a little bit silly.
Work on it Bob, with a bit of effort you can be as big a fool as I am. :D
2nd March 2005, 08:00 PM
Work on it Bob, with a bit of effort you can be as big a fool as I am. :D
Cmon termite you know that could never be
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
5th March 2005, 09:22 AM
Now I'm thoroughly confused. :confused:
I thought I was a normal heterosexual male, but now I think I've gone bonkers or is it you lot ? Where should I vote ? :mad:
5th March 2005, 09:33 AM
Now I'm thoroughly confused. :confused:
I thought I was a normal heterosexual male, but now I think I've gone bonkers or is it you lot ? Where should I vote ? :mad:
Jackoh, youve always been confused, your not normal, your not hetrosexual, almost certainly not male, and definitely bonkers. Go back to bed and rest and dont worry about it
5th March 2005, 09:46 AM
If I go back to bed the mother of our four children and grandmother of eight grand children will probably complain. She keeps telling me what I am but I don't understand as my Dad's still alive and well!