View Full Version : Woodgrain vinyl

18th February 2004, 07:27 PM

I am in the process of restoring some arcade cabinets and am trying to find a local supplier of woodgrain vinyl. The only sources I have been able to find are USA based.

Can anyone suggest a local (WA preferably, but anywhere in Australia would be fine) supplier??? Or even point me in the right direction....

I apologise if this is the wrong forum for this question.


journeyman Mick
18th February 2004, 10:39 PM
when you say woodgrain vinyl do you mean like contact? I'm assuming you don't mean woodgrain vinyl like that which is laid on floors. I'm guessing these are cabinets for arcade games like the old space invaders etc. If they are going into a commercial situation it might be worthwhile laminating them with a woodgrain laminate (or a black liner laminate - cheaper). If they're going to be used in a domestic situation you could probably get away with contact or painting.


18th February 2004, 10:53 PM
there is a product similar to what you are looking for localy available, I saw a roll of it under a mates arm friday, exactly what you are looking for.

self adhesive, heavier than contact and more flexible than laminate.

I'll ask the name of the product & details next I talk with him & return a post with details.


19th February 2004, 12:24 AM

Yes, i mean like contact. I have spoken to a couple of people about using laminate, but the replys were usually that the 'contact' is easier. But having never applied laminate, i'm open to others input.
On the flip side, these machines are not intended for commercial use. But as I say, I'm open to suggestions.


Originally posted by journeyman Mick
when you say woodgrain vinyl do you mean like contact? I'm assuming you don't mean woodgrain vinyl like that which is laid on floors. I'm guessing these are cabinets for arcade games like the old space invaders etc. If they are going into a commercial situation it might be worthwhile laminating them with a woodgrain laminate (or a black liner laminate - cheaper). If they're going to be used in a domestic situation you could probably get away with contact or painting.


19th February 2004, 12:25 AM
If you could, that would be excellent.


Originally posted by soundman
there is a product similar to what you are looking for localy available, I saw a roll of it under a mates arm friday, exactly what you are looking for.

self adhesive, heavier than contact and more flexible than laminate.

I'll ask the name of the product & details next I talk with him & return a post with details.


28th February 2004, 05:58 PM
The self adhesive laminate i mentioned is called "Elesgoflex" availeble from Mr Ply possibly others.

it is probably heavier than was on the machines as standard but thinner than laminate.

5th March 2004, 08:54 PM
Thanks. I'll look it up.


Originally posted by soundman
The self adhesive laminate i mentioned is called "Elesgoflex" availeble from Mr Ply possibly others.

it is probably heavier than was on the machines as standard but thinner than laminate.

6th March 2004, 01:02 AM

Came across this info for the ditributors, might be worth a phone call to find a local stockist.

HDM Australia Pty Ltd

Self adhesive flexible laminate on a roll

t: 03 9587 8866

Regions: nsw vic qld sa tas wa act se asia