View Full Version : Get to the heart of it

Allan at Wallan
22nd June 2008, 11:39 AM
"Rowie", one of our Forumites gave a talk and
demo at our Northern Woodturners Club yesterday.

It was very interesting and will give us much to
think about, particularly with the turning of
green wood.

However, when he made the comment about
a chunk of wood by saying, "Take the pith out
of it", I came home, grabbed a lump of
wood and said. "Thit you are an ugly piece of wood".

It did not seem to make any difference to it!



You can't teach an old mouse new clicks.

22nd June 2008, 05:04 PM
Well Done !!

22nd June 2008, 07:47 PM
Allan i tried that once too and it wood not reply to me either:D:?:?

Allan at Wallan
22nd June 2008, 09:26 PM
Allan i tried that once too and it wood not reply to me either:D:?:?

My son also tried it. He is a "chip off the old block".



You can't teach an old mouse new clicks.