View Full Version : Happy Birthday Studley

20th June 2008, 10:52 AM
Happy Birthday mate, have a good one!


20th June 2008, 12:20 PM
HB and thanks again for all the wood

20th June 2008, 12:30 PM
Happy Brithday Studley,
Hope you have a good weekend

20th June 2008, 03:38 PM
Hope you manage a Happy one Steve, have one or two for me!

20th June 2008, 03:51 PM
Hb StudMaster

20th June 2008, 05:31 PM
Happy birthday brother.

:secret: Do you have some timber for me?


20th June 2008, 07:19 PM
Happy Birthday Studmeister.
Get stuck into some hardwood cake...:2tsup:

Studley 2436
20th June 2008, 09:44 PM
haha thanks guys! Made my day you really did. Went out for dinner with the kids and the ex was there too! Kid's were great she couldn't help reminding me about all the things I don't like about her and I enjoyed the meal. I am looking forward to much better times though.

It might be going to bounce my way in a funny sort of way.

Glad that Glock is talking to me because I have told a million newbies here that I don't know what wood they have for sure but Glock! Just ask Glock and he will tell you. People seem to think because I can run a phone and a spreadsheet as well as making some bank transfers that get wood on their doorstep that I have some huge knowledge of hardwood! UMM it is wood that is hard some of the time although Balsa is a hardwood and it isn't that hard. Maybe you should tell people to belt it against their heads and count the number of hits before they go down. Then do it again with the other wood and do a count also. As a way to differentiate species you will have proved nothing much but you will know which one drew the most blood.

Anyway thanks for remembering me guys was really good of you


20th June 2008, 09:57 PM
........Do you have some timber for me?........

Wongo wants to know if you have a woody for him


Studley 2436
20th June 2008, 10:05 PM
Wongo wants to know if you have a woody for him


damn is that what that yellow type says! Can't read it without my glasses.

I am getting old...........................

Wongo want's to get his hands on some structural size stuff and I do have him up at the top of the list but there isn't any on offer just yet.


20th June 2008, 10:34 PM
Happy birthday to you :cheerleader: Studley :cheerleader: :2tsup: You deserve it.

20th June 2008, 10:58 PM
Happy birthday Steve

21st June 2008, 09:11 PM
G'day Studmeister.

You only learn through experience over the years. When I started at the mill 30 years ago, There was an old bloke that everyone asked to ID species.

Now, they ask me to ID. Buggered if I know how I know, It just comes to me.

Remember....You must be one with the hardwood, grasshopper Studmeister. Embrace the hardwood...:2tsup::D. I said enbrace....not mate with it....:no::no::no::oo::oo::oo::D:D

Studley 2436
21st June 2008, 09:34 PM
*LOL* I Haven't been able to mate with anything for ages Glock!

But I know what you mean there is a bit of instinct to it isn't there.


21st June 2008, 10:03 PM
HB Studley :2tsup:

22nd June 2008, 01:15 PM
HB Studs! :)

WG :)