View Full Version : True compassion

11th June 2008, 11:27 AM
Apologies if this has been posted before.

A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several
months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, he
motioned for her to come nearer. She sat by him, he whispered, eyes full
of tears, 'You know what? You have been with me all through the bad

When I got fired, you were there to support me. When my business failed,
you were there. When I had my car accident, you were by my side.

When we lost the house, you stayed right here. When my health started
failing, you were still by my side. You know what?'

'What dear?' She gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with

'I think you're bad luck, b****r off!' <!-- google_ad_section_end --><!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_1030888-->

11th June 2008, 12:34 PM
Repost or not, that's still funny :D.