View Full Version : One good turn

Allan at Wallan
4th June 2008, 10:10 PM
John was tootling along his street in Munruben
at a steady 20 kph when, without warning or
indicators, he made a right hand turn towards
his driveway.

This resulted in a collision with Barry who was
travelling close behind him.

Barry called out, "You idiot, why didn't you signal?"

John replied, "Why should I. I always turn in here".



You can't teach an old mouse new clicks.

4th June 2008, 10:43 PM
Reminds me of the time Barry was going up a one way street the wrong way and someone called out to him.."Hey, this is a one way street" and Barry replied "Duh, I'm only going one way"

Barry Hicks
5th June 2008, 08:56 AM
...or the cop who stops a drunk driving the wrong
way on a one way street.

The cop asks, "Didn't you see the arrows?"

The drunk replies, "I didn't even see the Indians."