View Full Version : Drilling Internal Doors

15th May 2008, 12:01 PM
Hello folks,
I'm wanting to remove my bathroom towel rails from the wall and put them onto the back of the door, one above the other.
There is already a robe hook in the center near the top which is sturdy.
My query is, can I simply drill into the door and securley mount my towel rails or are there internal 'studs' or framework in the door I need to drill into?
It's a 1960's house.

Ian Smith
15th May 2008, 01:18 PM
Honey bee,
My guess is that your door has a timber frame on the edges only, and it'll have a masonite or ply skins of around 3mm thicknes and the rest will be a honey-comb of paper. I don't htink you'll find any internal frames.

You might get away with toggles depending on how much weight needs supporting but I reckon I'd be mounting a timber base plate the width of the door so you can screw into the timber frame, then mount your rail onto that


15th May 2008, 02:28 PM
Sorry but what's a toggle?

Ian Smith
15th May 2008, 02:41 PM
Honey Bee,
They come in a variety of forms, some squash and expand, some flip open, and some have barbs but essentially they are designed for attaching to thin panels where you can't get enough material for a thread to grip and where you can't get to the other side to fit a nut and washer
They also provide an increased surface area to lessen the possibility of the thing pulling out - take a look here - http://www.ameribestfasteners.com/toggle_bolts.htm


15th May 2008, 03:51 PM
Thanks Ian.
Has given us some food for thought.

15th May 2008, 09:39 PM
Hollow cavity fasteners like the ones shown here (http://www2.blackwoods.com.au/infoBANKProduct.aspx?SG=2000165&S=16&G=2004229&P=2026889)are good for use on hollow core doors.

Have done the same on our bathroom door & it's holding up well.