View Full Version : Preslope shower recess before waterproofing and screed?

13th May 2008, 06:14 PM
Does anyone here put a preslope in to the shower recess/hob prior to the water proofing going on?

You still put your normal screed on top of the water proofing but the idea of the preslope is that if water did penetrate the tiles it would run to the drain and out the puddle flange. In the past I have not done this but have recently been told I should have, it now makes sence, if you didn't do it and water does penetrate it's just going to sit there on top of the waterproofing and not drain to the puddle flange/drain.

Is this common practice in Australia?

Claw Hama
13th May 2008, 06:53 PM
Don't know if its common place but the guys I have worked with do it or at least slope it away from any doorways etc

13th May 2008, 06:56 PM
In my experience the tiler usually lays a bed of sand and cement down over the Waterproofing and slopes/screeds to the waste pipes then tiles over!!

13th May 2008, 09:52 PM
You can also get waterproofing that will let you tile over so you waterproof over the screed.

13th May 2008, 09:58 PM
Does anyone here put a preslope in to the shower recess/hob prior to the water proofing going on?

Is this common practice in Australia?


14th May 2008, 06:11 PM
Im sure the req is the waterproofing straight to floor before the screed, at home I did that, then got the tiler to lay half his bed in the shower and and waterproofed again. so im double water proofed. seen too many leaks in my time not to.

14th May 2008, 06:48 PM
It's not common practice in Australia, but it is in North America (ontariotile.com). It means that any water that might get though the tile and screed will drain off the waterproofing into the drain weep holes, keeping standing moisture to a minimum and minimising mould development. It really has no practical impact on the waterproofing.
