View Full Version : Performing Searches

4th May 2008, 05:51 PM
Hi Guys,

Well I have the time so I thought I would ask I really suck at doing searches on these boards, how do I perform an exact wording search on these boards.

If I want to do a search on google on say the following exact wording manufactured homes I just put that in between inverted commas"" just like this "manufactured homes" and all I get is links about manufactured homes :D

When I do a search on this forum I get everything that has manufactured and homes so a bloody lot of posts and then I end up making up a post that has probably been answered already and people off and thats the last thing I want to do.

All I want is ''manufactured homes''

Help me please its going to drive me to get another drink :U

4th May 2008, 06:11 PM
Gday Willy, use Google to search the forums.

Go to the Google page, enter site:woodworkforums.com, click on advanced search & put manufactured homes in the "exact phrase" search box.

Sing out if any dramas.


4th May 2008, 07:00 PM
down the bottom of every page on this forum is a google search box, you can use it to search inside this forum

4th May 2008, 07:57 PM
As echnidna says.....:2tsup: At the bottom of all pages is a Google Search box, to use it to search the forums make sure you click in the radio button next to www.woodworkforums.com.

You can then do a masive search of the forums with all the same advanced search thingies that Google has to offer like "manufactured homes" or manufactured+homes or "manufactured homes" + brick, etc.

Cheers - Neil :U


4th May 2008, 08:31 PM
If I want to do a search on google on say the following exact wording manufactured homes I just put that in between inverted commas"" just like this "manufactured homes" and all I get is links about manufactured homes :D

Hi there

Interesting points, I tried the following search strings and got the same results each time;

manufactured AND homes
"manufactured AND homes"
manufactured homes

We improved the speed of the search function a few months ago, it still has some obvious short falls!
