View Full Version : Favourite brew
Steve Fryar
4th May 2008, 03:40 PM
I've spent the last 6 days drilling for water.Today is a day of rest before I go back to my real job in Moomba.Today is a beer day!Myself,I am enjoying a few Coopers Pale Ale.What's your choice of booze?
Claw Hama
4th May 2008, 03:48 PM
Don't mind a Pale Ale but i lean (sometimes quite severly) towards a Hahn Premium or Red Roof.
And if at the local I lean even further towards a Toohys Black.
4th May 2008, 04:34 PM
Go along with your taste in Cooper's. A real great brew. Came across one in NZ that's worth the gargle, Speight's ale. When I was a fit keen skier, (alas a few years ago now) I used to look forward to stopping at the Cardrona Pub after a punishing day to wet the tonsils with it. Haven't come across it in Oz.
War does not decide who is right.War only decides who is left.
4th May 2008, 04:52 PM
Coopers Sparkling Ale :2tsup:
The choice of watering hole for me and my friends is based on whether they serve Coopers on tap (but we will settle for bottled if pushed :))
5th May 2008, 10:46 AM
Pepsi. :)
If all that was to be had was beer I'd take a Guinness though.
Really though, a bottle of Pepsi, chilled in the freezer until 32.5 deg, right upon the point a bit of frozen scum is forming at the top, take it out and pour into a proper glass glass. :U Nothing like it. :p
A&W Root Beer is hard to beat as well though, that I like on tap, in frozen mugs. Aaay, now thats some good stuff. :2tsup:
5th May 2008, 01:09 PM
Coopers Sparkling Ale, a Guiness at a pinch, otherwise green tea.
5th May 2008, 06:41 PM
Generally tend to think all are good but some - Like any Coopers, Guiness, Boags, Southwark, LaBatt - are better than others.
The only Beer I never managed to finish a stubby of was the putrid brew in Tahiti.:oo::oo::no::no:
5th May 2008, 06:53 PM
James Squire Porter:2tsup:
Recommend to anyone who likes Tooheys Black
5th May 2008, 06:57 PM
Any free grog is excellent! If i have to buy i would go for a Cascade Pale Ale.
Brown Dog
5th May 2008, 07:24 PM
Squire's Golden Ale....mmmm yum :)
5th May 2008, 11:51 PM
James Squire Porter:2tsup:
Recommend to anyone who likes Tooheys Black
I'm a Tooheys' Old drinker ,I love the stuff .I assume that's what you call Tooheys' black.
Don't mind a Guiness or a Coopers Stout now and then.
On a cool night I like a shot of port or three.
Having one now actually.
I'll have to look for the James Squire ,but I don't hold much hope of finding it up here ,unless Woolies Bottle shop has it.
6th May 2008, 01:05 AM
Hahn Premium for me.
6th May 2008, 09:51 AM
I'm a Tooheys' Old drinker ,I love the stuff .I assume that's what you call Tooheys' black.
Sorry Kev, I did mean Toohey's Old:-
James Squire is distributed by the same company as Tooheys, Hahn, etc. so probably available on request.
Squire's Golden Ale and Amber Ale are also, as Brown Dog put it, mmm yum.
7th May 2008, 12:05 PM
James Squire is distributed by the same company as Tooheys, Hahn, etc. so probably available on request.
Lion Nathan, a Kiwi company