View Full Version : Resizing pics for email and forums

4th May 2008, 01:20 PM
This thread may seem OT but will help those who want to resize pics for display at a smaller size for email or forums

Have a look at this link and download the software - it is free - it is a very nifty and quick way to shrink pics for transmission and will run in the background - all you have to do is select the compression you require then select the pic and it does the rest.

http://www.onthegosoft.com/sp_download.htm (http://www.onthegosoft.com/sp_download.htm)

Please pass this on to others that send pics via email and forums

The attached pic started life as 2.26M, ended up as 26K in double quick time



4th May 2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks Mike

very handy, will send it to one of my granddaughters that always sends me huge pics.


4th May 2008, 07:40 PM
All I do is set my camera on the lowest resolution and they come out under 100k for posting or emailing.

joe greiner
5th May 2008, 12:11 AM
All I do is set my camera on the lowest resolution and they come out under 100k for posting or emailing.

That's pretty much the simplest way to do it. But on some DSLR's the lowest resolution is still too big. For those, I use this: http://sitereportcard.com/imagereducer.php Upload your pic, and save the one(s) you like with new file name(s).


17th August 2008, 11:00 PM
That's good. Thanks for sharing.

18th August 2008, 12:50 AM
Hey Mike Thanks for the Info, I been trying for the last hour or so, now I'll give it another go:;


18th September 2008, 01:38 AM
I find the easiest way is to email them to my self from the windows picture and fax veiwer, the program asks if you wish to reduce the size for emails. Say yes the photo comes back to you the correct size for displaying on the web.