View Full Version : Termite traps - do they work ?

31st January 2004, 08:34 PM
Hi. We have a house that had some termite damage some time ago. I dont know exactly how it was treated, but I find myself worrying about it a lot. I was wondering about those termite traps - click here (http://www.termitetrap.com.au/index.html) - do they work. I would like some way of keeping vigilant between inspections.

Anyone know anything about these.

31st January 2004, 09:02 PM
Don't know if they work or not, but it seems to be nothing more than plastic pipe filled with rolled up cardboard. Make one yourself.

1st February 2004, 12:47 AM
Termites are everywhere and you will not eradicate them forever. The exterminators now prefer to use the word manage now because of this. You can flood your property with chemicals and you will have some temporary reprieve but as soon as the chemical breaks down the little critters will be back. If you think of the risks to your family, pets and the native species by broadscale spraying then for me this is not an option. The tubes they sink into the ground are designed to attract white ants so I seriously question their purpose. They do however serve an industry that feeds on fear and actually promotes fear as a means of gaining new business. I’m sure you have all had calls that go something like – We are from White Ant Control Company and we have recently found white ants in your neighborhood, etc. Well stuff me drunk (figurative speaking gents) that is like saying there is black ants in our neighborhood. As I understand it the tubes are baited with arsenic if white ants are detected and this does effectively remove the colony. However, would the colony have been interested in your property if there was not an attractant used. Also now that the competition has been removed there is a high likelihood of another colony emerging. If all my neighbors had baits then I would be laughing.
The best prevention is not to leave material around like stacks of timber on the ground and have regular inspections of your property.
This is my view and I’m sure there are others that would see it differently.