View Full Version : How much of a jarviser are you?

2nd May 2008, 03:47 PM
Jarvising (http://www.jarviser.co.uk/jarviser/workshop.html)- the process of working hard doing nothing for hours in a shed.

I have found answering the question "What have you been doing for all that time in the workshop?" with the answer "Jarvising" may not work so well, but just puttering actively about but not actually achieving much while I'm in the shed, pretty accurately describes my shedlife.

So how much of a Jarviser are you?

2nd May 2008, 03:55 PM
Garfunkel has noticed that a new verb has entered the language, via David Weinberger: jarvis, in this sentence (http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/mtarchive/003900.html) on Joho the Blog, "I'm jarvising on MSNBC this afternoon." Jeff Jarvis's own proffered definition (http://www.buzzmachine.com/archives/2005_04_13.html#009458) ("to have psycho fit") is clearly defective; Jon has asked a few of his correspondents for lexicographic help, and I'm glad to oblige:
jarvis, v. intr. 1. To measure the utopian potential of a new medium by the scope it provides one's capacity for self-promotion. "Once he started podcasting, he jarvised endlessly about how podcasts were going to reshape the media landscape."

2. To rely on old-media platform(s) to hype the advantages of new media. Broadly, to promote any new technology or practice by means of the technology or practice it is supposed to replace. "He jarvised about how blogs would kill traditional journalism in all his TV and print interviews."

Actually, I prefer the definition "to have psycho fit". Seems to fit woodwork a lot better.

2nd May 2008, 04:27 PM
I have a black belt in Jarvising

2nd May 2008, 04:38 PM
I have a Jarvis Walker fishing rod

2nd May 2008, 04:54 PM
I have a Jarvis Walker fishing rod

Why are they called fishing rods when no one ever catches a fish on them? :?

2nd May 2008, 05:18 PM

Scribbly Gum
23rd May 2008, 02:23 PM
Why are they called fishing rods when no one ever catches a fish on them? :?

Exactly! -Jarvising - Catching absolutely nothing at all!

I think that jarvising is actually underrated.

The various activities that can fill hours in a shed and conclude with little to show, are actually some of the most enjoyable times.
I find them to be satisfying, and in a strange way spiritually fulfilling and rejuvenating. Then again I'm a little strange that way.
Jarvising at Tele Point

23rd May 2008, 02:48 PM
SWMBO calls it "oiling the toaster".

We have endless discussions on how, "That toaster must be really rusty today darl" or "it's taking a long time to oil that toaster", or "you must be rebuilding that toaster again?"


Cliff Rogers
23rd May 2008, 03:31 PM
Para 8 of the Code of Practice has something similar. :2tsup:

1st August 2008, 05:02 AM
i even manage to pull it off during working hours. that doesn't make me a pro, though, since i'm too lazy to go to Australia for it.

cheers! (dutch beer)


31st August 2008, 09:49 AM
"good for reducing the blood pressure" and that's what the Dr and SWMBO wants as a priority. Thats why I never get nagged about the time I spend in there ... sometimes I actually get sent there.:2tsup:

Howdya do that
31st August 2008, 12:22 PM
Am I jarvising if I'm sitting out there drinking beer, talking to the dog:?

31st August 2008, 12:36 PM
If you are talking about how to make a vertical hole in the end of a chair leg, yes. If you are comparing how high your fleas can jump, no.

31st August 2008, 12:39 PM
Am I jarvising if I'm sitting out there drinking beer, talking to the dog:?

Every good worker has to plan and if you want to share your plans with someone who won't contradict you I'm sure the dog is ideal and as for keeping hydrated and happy I'm sure that's one way of doing it.:2tsup:

Howdya do that
31st August 2008, 10:01 PM
I also blame the dog for the stuff ups:doh: It was her plan after all:D

12th October 2008, 01:02 AM
So how much of a Jarviser are you?

Hi Guys, As much jarvising on the laptop now as in the shed unfortunately.

I've added a link to your site on Jarviser's Workshop (http://www.jarviser.co.uk/jarviser/workshop.html) !


12th October 2008, 10:28 PM
Whats that BC cartoon?
What have you been doing all day?
But you were doing that yesterday
I wasn't finished:no: