View Full Version : The Band Saw and the Clean Freak

1st May 2008, 04:03 PM
I've been doing "Shed" work this week. Finally installed a set of roller guides on the band saw.

Then there was the new spring for tensioning. The adjusting shaft had a burr on it near the knob. Not really important but just irritating. I removed the shaft, spring, fiber washer and nut with the intent to install the new spring. I placed everything on the table of the band saw. I'm over at the bench vise removing the burr with a file and SWMBO sticks her head into the shed. Yak, yak, yak... I tell her what she needs and as she is leaving the shed, she says "Oh, yuck! Dusty!" With that she blows the dust off the band saw table.

As I go to reassemble things I discover that the fiber washer was also blown off the band saw table. Down into the pile of wood and dust. After an hour of looking I go down to the hardware store and buy a nylon washer replacement. Grrrrrr.

1st May 2008, 04:56 PM
Bloody women and kids in sheds - Shouldn't be allowed.

More trouble than they are worth.:D:D:D

1st May 2008, 05:07 PM
Now whats wrong with this

Its not a joke or is it:?

Shed was dirty to start with and not clean as to make it easy to locate stuff that you drop:doh:

you were fixing and replacing a new part :?

Barry Hicks
1st May 2008, 05:12 PM
That wasn't all that funny rrich but you
told it beautifully. 10/10 for delivery.

1st May 2008, 09:32 PM
Bloody women and kids in sheds - Shouldn't be allowed.

More trouble than they are worth.:D:D:D

I heard that.

2nd May 2008, 06:24 AM
Thank you Barry.

Wheelin it was one of those constant tension springs.