View Full Version : DIY garden pavers

30th April 2008, 10:15 PM
Just put in half my semi raised vegie/herb garden and the wife wanted some nice pavers in the in between walkways (just over 2 feet wide and overall it will cover about 50 meters in length). We saw seom really nice 3 inch square block in a 3x3 easy click together mat at Bunnings - but that turned out just too darned expensive

The wife also wants to grow lawn chamomile in between

I came up with an idea of making our own concrete tiles and simply set them into the dirt
The idea is to use premix concrete / cement (I really have forgotten what the technical difference is) and use empty ice cream containers to get some nice shapes (rounded square or rectangles)
Also thought to make them pretty by doing feature pavers with smooth pebbles or mosaic designs as well as somehow colouring the concrete

Anyone have expereince doing this? Is there a better way?
Whats the best way to colour concrete?


Planned LScape
30th April 2008, 10:47 PM
I suppose if you want to be creative you can have a go, make up a concrete mix with your desired stone in it and do an exposed ag finish to the top of the paver, trowelling in some oxide colour or putting on some mosaic tiles.

If you plan to make some varities though, it could get more expensive buying portions of this and that, it may be cheaper to buy the pavers ready made.

I would lay them on a rock and sand base however, if you're going to the trouble of laying them you might as well do it so it will last without weeds popping through and sinking like it would on just dirt