View Full Version : Garden Fence/Wall
28th April 2008, 01:14 PM
If I wanted to build something like this:
How essential is it to have a concrete footing, or could I get away with a base of compacted crusher dust?
28th April 2008, 07:44 PM
if that's a rended brick wall NO.......
28th April 2008, 08:31 PM
If I wanted to build something like this:
How essential is it to have a concrete footing, or could I get away with a base of compacted crusher dust?
yep, sure, not a problem, go for it, errrr, that wall in the picture is paper mache, right...
On a more serious note, no, you need to have proper concrete footings.
28th April 2008, 11:20 PM
you will need an engineers detail and planning permission dependent where you are.
29th April 2008, 09:57 AM
So proper footings, fine. I assume if made from grey blocks they would need to be core filled with concrete? What about rebar or is that overkill?
So I need an engineer's report to build a wall two courses (400) high? Please tell me your joking
29th April 2008, 05:27 PM
we 're not and don't forget the council approval or you might have to biuld it quice .
30th April 2008, 10:05 AM
From my understanding you only need approval and engineer's design for retaining walls over 1m.
30th April 2008, 02:19 PM
Some councils dont allow front fences,
I'm going to disagree with the others and say yes and no,
No you cant just start off with 2 courses wide on a bed of crushed dust.
But no you dont need a concrete footing, you do need a footing of some sort tho.
I've got something similar but it is a retaining wall. I have a brick footing straight on dirt
The brick footing starts off about 600-700mm wide at the very bottom and then steps back in to the final width. In my case the backside is retained so you dont see any of the brick footing.
30th April 2008, 02:35 PM
You should probably go onto the councils web site and download the relevant DCP (development control plan), or talk to the duty planner at council for some advice about what you can build as a fence. Most council requirements differ.
Use a concrete footing, unless you can build it directly onto rock or your wall will crack or sink or do something horrible like fall over.