View Full Version : Vulcan Quasar wall furnace

27th April 2008, 01:53 AM

A little while ago my fan motor went in my heater unit so i replaced it with a new one for $150, the old one was heavy and ceramic, burnt to a crisp. This new one was very light weight and made from aluminium. I remember the old one heating the room much more than this one, with the fan on the same power mode (boost) the new fan seems to put out about 1/4 of the heat that the old one did.

The thrmostat seems to cut off correctly and seems to be in good working order however it's the actual heat output level, or lack thereof that is the issue. The room used to be quite toasty and now seems lightly humid.

Is this common for this to happen? Is there something i may have overlooked?


29th April 2008, 09:38 AM
Yes Ive had this problem as well. The Vulcan Quasars are lemons. I intend to replace the whole unit.