View Full Version : Installing a overhead fridge cabinet

22nd April 2008, 02:08 PM
Hi Everyone,

Can anyone give me any advice, in regards to installing a fridge overhead in an alcove. i'm not sure how to secure it, as i have infills either side,needs to be flush with the opening and have access to only one stud either side for fixing and also need to old the cabinet in place while i level and secure.

Any advice on how the can be done with the least amount of effort!

Thankyou in advance.

Master Splinter
22nd April 2008, 08:14 PM
The least amount of effort is to hire someone to do it for you....

Otherwise..a bit more info - fridge size, alcove size, how/what the infill is...even photos...could be useful

23rd April 2008, 09:07 AM
the best way is to measure the space required cut the fills to get this size then screw the fills onto the cabinet,this should leave you with ledges on the cabinet ,work out and mark on the wall where the bottom of the top ledge is then screw/glue a cleat to the wall ,make sure that the cleat is wide/thick enough for the fill ot sit onto ,if you are fitting to an existing cabinet on one side then screw a pair of cleats to the top of the new cabinet to acy as apprentices to hold the cabinet flush with the top ,then simply slide the cabinet onto the supports and screw off ,sounds complicated but after you do it you think to yourself "why didnt i think of that"