View Full Version : Tempering valve

21st April 2008, 01:22 PM
Does a tempering valve have to be installed to all new hot water systems (instant and storage tanks) unless you turn down the thermostat to 50 degrees?

21st April 2008, 02:10 PM
Does a tempering valve have to be installed to all new hot water systems.....

In Victoria........yes. To all new houses and all renos involving bathrooms (apparently) where plumbing is involved because 'the code' requires the installation of a tempered line to the shower and bath instead of hot water straight off the heater. Regardless of what you do to the thermostat.

21st April 2008, 02:20 PM
Dear Acosti,

I think you'll find mandatory valve fitment is the case, regardless of whether or not you even turn down the thermostat. You see, the next owner could just turn it back up again without understanding the implications. Also, you wouldn't want to turn it down too much anyway (as in below about 60deg), because Legionella bacteria could start breeding inside the tank. Only exception I know of is where you have an Instantaneous Gas system (ie. no tank at all) that is factory preset to 50deg output, without any controllers attached.

Best Wishes,

21st April 2008, 07:31 PM
Dont turn the thermostat on the tank down to 50 degrees, it MUST be stored at or above 60 degrees to inhibit the growth of bacteria.......
put a tempering valve in, there are exceptions depending on where your from but................

21st April 2008, 08:26 PM
Information I was provided in SA regarding Instantaneous HWS was that if the unit comes with from the factory with a preset limit of 50 degrees then it was not essential to install a tempering valve.