View Full Version : What's a good size for a workshop?

21st April 2008, 12:20 PM
I decided on the weekend, with the blessing of my other half, that I'm going to build myself a workshop.

Having measured out some space in the back yard, I decided that a 3.5m x 5m (or perhaps 6) shed would be a reasonable compromise between too small and too big (I don't want to take up too much of the yard).

The plan is to have a bench along one long wall, with a space for the dropsaw. Main items will be a table saw, drill press, router table, possibly a band saw, and a small joiner.

Does that size sound reasonable for a workshop? I'll be using it for cabinet/furniture making, and as a general workshop for our renovations.

21st April 2008, 12:43 PM
That sounds like a decent size, though I wouldn't recommend dropping the width any. cheers

21st April 2008, 12:44 PM
Obviously the bigger the better but you can only do with what you are given. 3.5m X 5m is manageable but it will be hard. It will be tricky if you are doing a big project or dressing long boards.

Have a look at the workshop planner on the grizzly website. It will give you an idea.

21st April 2008, 01:02 PM
I'll be installing a roller door along one of the short walls, so if I do need to work with long boards, I can open it up and spread myself out into the driveway.

Thanks for the link Wongo, I'll sus it out when I get home tonight (there seems to be some issue with it here in the office).

Now for the fun part, dealing with the council...

21st April 2008, 02:08 PM
Think of a big size and then double it.:D

Most peoples shed's (like mine) are always too narrow.
If you think of 900mm wide as a typical size for most machines/benches alley ways etc. Then a 2.7 m wide gives you two sides and middle alley way.

3.6 m wide is a pig of a size - most people like me with a shed that wide try to squeeze something down the middle but it never really works.

4.5 wide is excellent - it give you two working sides and a working middle with nice wide alley either side of the middle.

Once you get bigger that that then alleys become less important.

21st April 2008, 02:57 PM
I was planning on only having a bench on one side, and the machines on mobile bases, so I can move them over to one side when they're not being used. I could go wider than 3.5, but then I'd be taking up too much of the back yard (yes, I want to have my cake and eat it too!). 3.5 will also fit neatly into the line of the house, so when we extend, it won't be in the way.

While I'm waiting for someone from the counsel to get back to me, does anyone know what's involved from a permit point of view?

21st April 2008, 02:59 PM
No matter how big they are always too small. Go as big as you possibly can. :)

21st April 2008, 03:01 PM
I am using one half of a big double garage, and I am strapped for room. Go for the biggest that you can get approval for and afford.

21st April 2008, 03:03 PM
Some thoughts for dealing with council:

it helps if you have talked to your neighbours and have got them to signed on (best to get it in writing)
it helps if you can show how no-one's views will be impaired
it helps if you can show that it won't be a sound issue (wall insulation and all power tools firmly on a concrete slab)
it helps if you seek approval for a bigger shed than you need and then can offer up some redduction in size.

21st April 2008, 03:10 PM
Excellent points to consider. Given the size and shape of it, and that it will be at the end of the driveway, and have a roller door, should I just tell the council that I want to build a single car garage?

21st April 2008, 03:12 PM
Excellent points to consider. Given the size and shape of it, and that it will be at the end of the driveway, and have a roller door, should I just tell the council that I want to build a single car garage?
So long as you can get the stuff out later, why not. Esp if that is what you are really putting on the land (Imagine how a real estate agent will describe it later)

21st April 2008, 03:55 PM
So I guess the next question is, how big is a standard single car garage?

21st April 2008, 06:00 PM
12m x 8m:2tsup:(size of the shed not single car garage)

21st April 2008, 06:01 PM
Small enough so that when swmbo brings out morning tea and lunch its not cold by the time she gets it to you and bigg enough to hide in when swmbo is looking for you :2tsup::2tsup:

21st April 2008, 07:34 PM
Thanks Pheonix, you tryin' to give me shed envy or something?

Sage words of advice, Wheelin!

I suppose if I tell the council that I just want a small garage for a trailer and a couple of bikes, it doesn't matter if it's smaller than a car.

21st April 2008, 09:33 PM
Single car garage 3x8-9 meters. I have one and it is a tight squeeze. Go wider as BobL said:)

21st April 2008, 11:38 PM
Single car shed 3.5m wide would be the minimum, you need to open the doors at some stage.
A 3.5x5 is too small for that many machines, ok for hand tool work... like you say your going to put the machines on wheels In my mind you will regret it every time you need to shift every thing around just because you forgot to cut the last piece!(you'll spend more time configuring than woodworking)
If its physically impossible to fit bigger you'll have to make do, but go bigger if you want to use machines if possible.
IMHO minimum would be 5x5 and thats with portable bench machines, remember you need space to do fit ups and finishing.

22nd April 2008, 11:40 AM
Thanks Harry, but as much as I'd like a workshop that big, I can really only go 3.5m wide.

I also think I may have found the easy way around council. Looking at the plans I got from them when I bought the place, there is a garage on there in almost the right spot (I want to build about 2m further back) and almost the right size (5.4m x 3.1m). The concrete slab is still there though.

So now the dilemma is, do I just replace what is on the plans, or go through the whole process of getting permits and so forth?

22nd April 2008, 12:39 PM
I'd cheat, and build exactly where it was, get a free floor too.

but that's your individual choice.

22nd April 2008, 01:22 PM
Unfortunately the concrete slab would have to go. It was obviously poured as an afterthought inside the completed garage. It's very thin around the edges and not at all level and flat. Fine for a car, but not a workshop. It'll only cost me a few hundred bucks for a new one anyway.

The other issue is that it's not where I want to build the new one, not that the plans I have a very detailed (the only measurement is 14' from the end of the house). So, while I could possibly get away with it, I'd be worried about being caught out when I eventually put plans in for an extension. Of course, I might be worried for nothing, because, as the council don't have the complete plans for my house, they'd probably accept whatever the drafty draws up for the extension.

22nd April 2008, 02:30 PM
I was planning on only having a bench on one side, and the machines on mobile bases, so I can move them over to one side when they're not being used. I could go wider than 3.5, but then I'd be taking up too much of the back yard (yes, I want to have my cake and eat it too!). 3.5 will also fit neatly into the line of the house, so when we extend, it won't be in the way.

I have a fixed bench, with SCMS, on one side of my workshop and the machines on mobile bases against the opposite wall. I cannot use the workbench for everything I want to do so I will be building a woodworkers bench which will most usefully be located in the middle (side to side) of the workshop. My workshop is just over 4.5m wide and I should have just enough room to comfortably work on the bench. If I had 3.5m the workbench wouldn't be an option.

Just something to think about especially if you're building furniture, you'll never have enough clear workbench space to work with and be able to work around the piece to tighten clamps and clean up glue etc.


22nd April 2008, 04:36 PM
ok, really stupid question, what's SCMS?

22nd April 2008, 04:42 PM
Sliding Compound Mitre Saw (Fancy drop saw)


22nd April 2008, 05:35 PM
Ah, you learn something every day. I even have one of those! Perhaps a career change isn't such a good idea for me then...!

22nd April 2008, 06:09 PM
Unfortunately the concrete slab would have to go. It was obviously poured as an afterthought inside the completed garage. It's very thin around the edges and not at all level and flat... ...It'll only cost me a few hundred bucks for a new one anyway.


You will be in for a bit of a shock!

Standard double garage size is 6M x 6M, so halve that for a single, maybe add 1/2 a metre, 6m x 3.5m x 4" x $170p/m2 = $357.00 for supply only of the concrete. And then if you want a good finish...

Ask your local council whether they'll let you move "the existing garage" without any permits (I doubt it...), and whether they even handle the permits anymore. Where I live, the local council handballed all that to independent Building Surveyors, so I didn't have to deal with the council for mine.

22nd April 2008, 07:28 PM
That's the sort of price I was expecting. I can't remember what the last slab I did cost me, but that sounds about right per m3. So, 3.5mx5mx100mm is just shy of 2m3, probably about $400ish all up. Although I'm not sure how much reo costs.

I didn't think about an independent surveyor, I'll have a chat to a local one tomorrow and see what they say. There's a part of me that would prefer to go through the proper channels, but then again, I'm not sure how much of a hassle and expense that will be just yet.

22nd April 2008, 09:18 PM
Another thought... a shed doesnt allways need to be square or a rectangle, they can be L shaped too!
A lean to off one side can greatly increase your floor area and width for those wide jobs:D

22nd April 2008, 09:31 PM
Anthony, are you able to talk to shed suppliers in your area? They would have a very good idea of what you'd need to do to meet coucil regulations.

When HWMNBO and I got my shed, we ended up with a very easy process of getting the required approval/permit etc etc as the Shed Supplier did everything. They made it very clear what we had to do, information to be supplied, when payments were due (even sent letters and a short, polite email reminder). As a result, I got very close to what I wanted (didn't realise I could have asked for the ultimate shed and be able to get it), with no hassles what so ever.


22nd April 2008, 09:37 PM
Another good point to think about, thanks Wendy. I hadn't actually thought about buying a shed as such. I was going to frame up a few walls, some colourbond/laserlight for a roof and clad it all in, um, something.

I'll check out a few shed places tomorrow and see what they have on offer.