View Full Version : Cleaning Floor Boards

18th April 2008, 02:46 PM
Hi All - I recently (3 months) had my floorboards liad and polished using a waterbase polish.

I have had some painters over and there are a few drips (only a few) of paint on the floorbaords. The painter said it was possible to use metho or something to get the paint off - but i was concerned this might effect the boards - does anyone know if it would?

Or have any other solution?

18th April 2008, 03:21 PM
I'd talk to the floor finisher that coated the floor.

18th April 2008, 05:15 PM
I'd talk to the floor finisher that coated the floor.

Or, better still.

I'd be getting the painter who put the paint on the floor in the first place, to show you just how good the Metho works at removing the paint spots he left behind.

In other words, if it (the Metho) doesn't work he can work out how to fix it.

18th April 2008, 05:44 PM
I had some small flecks and drops of enamel paint on my floorboards as someone doesnt use drop sheets i just used a small amount of metho and my thumb nail and it came up no problems!!

18th April 2008, 08:32 PM
G`day I`m a floor sander and if your going to use metho try an area such as behind the frig or stove first as a test, and you have to be quick when using it, as it may blister.


mac 12"
21st April 2008, 02:11 PM
Baggy red
"Goof off" http://www.masterdistributors.com.au/ :)