View Full Version : radiant heating and a softer floor?

13th April 2008, 03:54 AM

I'm building a workshop with radiant heating (as it's efficient, and doesn't pose a fire hazard in a shop full of wood and sawdust -- not to mention combustible chemicals). Life, however, is full of sudden interactions with gravity: tools drop, I've been known to trip over my own feet (free bone-density test!), and worst of all, the occasional piece I've been hired to make beautiful gets a good thump on the floor. Not often, mind you, but it is a concern of mine.

Is there any way to put some kind of softer surface over the concrete without compromising the heat output? Rubber won't work: too many solvents in my work. A thin (maybe even floated?) wood floor?

Anything? Suggestions?

Thanks so much.