View Full Version : need help finishing

9th April 2008, 01:37 PM
Hello philip hereI’m doing my year 12 HSC. I live in broken hill (on the border of NSW and SA). I’m looking for a finish that will look good and not take too long to apply. The timber I am using is Jarrah, Radiata pine, Meranti and Camphor Laurel in a 90<sup>0</sup> herringbone pattern (which is actually a paving pattern). The finish has to work with Techniglue – CA. :?Can any one help please<o></o>

9th April 2008, 04:32 PM
It you've sanded back and removed all surplus glue, what kind of finish you use is irrelevant.
I wouldnt use shellac as youll be brushing against the grain and it may Kick back.
cabots danish oil is a nice tolerant finish, wipe it on leave min 24 hour between coats will probably need 3 coats, no such thing as a good fast finish.
Some pics would help:)
