View Full Version : Practical techniques to finish wood with metal inlay

6th April 2008, 09:51 PM
Hey all
I'm currently in the planning stages of my next project. The basic concept is a wooden class for a small stereo amplifer that will have a small aluminium inlay into the front tas oak face. My conundrum is I plan to finish it with a clear estopol finish but am unsure how the aluminium will take to this. I'm worried that the slight movements in the wood as a apposed to the stability of the aluminium will result in the estopol finish cracking or failing to adhere to the aluminium? Is there any basis to this concern? What are my other options inregards to finishing? Any and all advice is very much appreciated.

6th April 2008, 10:02 PM
Estapol is yellowish and deepens with age, so you will lose the crisp silver colour of the aluminium.

6th April 2008, 10:18 PM
Is this the case even with the stuff sold as 100% clear?

6th April 2008, 10:29 PM

6th April 2008, 10:51 PM
If you want to coat the aluminium with a non yellowing clear then use one which has UV inhibitors in it. 2 pack auto fish clears are easy examples of these finishes to obtain

If you polish the aluminium to a mirror finish and wipe it over with a thinner to remove any traces of wax or chemials you used to polish it eg "silvo" metal polish an then clear it you will have no problems. make sure you don't touch it with your fingers after cleaning and before applying the clear. You can brush or spray the clear.

The clear will stick well to the aluminium and will also give the timber a great finish. You will not be able to prevent any slight movement at the join of the metal and timber but if your metal recesssing is done well the clear will probably not show any signs at the joints.

If you have any gaps at the joints apply extra clear into the space first to fill it, let it cure and then apply clear over the whole surface. after two coats let it set and next day you can flatten it back with fine paper (1500 2000 ) and apply more to get a flat mirror finish. ( depending on your ability) - experiment first on a sample of what you intend doing so you will know what to expect when you actually do the job.

7th April 2008, 02:52 AM
I've found that a wipe on product works best , (tung oil, poly) it can achieve gloss finish while keeping the aluminium clean.