View Full Version : Help me identify this grass...

5th April 2008, 05:39 PM
Recently bought a house but part of the front lawn has been destroyed due to a car being parked on it. I would like to reseed the area with grass so it's not such a dustbowl when I mow the front yard but would like to do it using the same grass type. It grows slowly which is great for me. If anyone can tell me what grass it is I'd really appreciate it. I've attached a pic of it to help.

Many thanks!

5th April 2008, 08:36 PM

That looks like Buffalo to me.

5th April 2008, 11:28 PM

That looks like Buffalo to me.

Yeh me too but recently I put buffalo in the driveway up the side of the house and it looks a bit different. Perhaps the buffalo at the front of the house is just in bad condition (looks half dead) since compared to my driveway it almost doesn't seem like the same thing..Maybe it was a different type of buffalo, who knows. If I don't get any other suggestions I'll just get some buffalo seed and plantit down in the small barren area. Glad you said buffalo since thats what first came to mind but wasn't positive...

Anyone know how much a roll of buffalo costs (the ones I got were free and offcuts, worked well but doubt I'll be lucky to come across something like that again). Also how big is a typical roll? Google bring up a few turf places but no details on price. Can't be a good sign :lol:

6th April 2008, 09:32 AM
the grass in the pic is in poor condition, may have been cut too low after being left long. I would aerate the soil with one of those tools made for the job, give it a bit of fertiliser and let it grow a bit longer. You can pull runners out of it and plant in the bare patch. Loosen up the soil in the bare patch make a shallow depression lay out the runner cover most of it with soil and keep moist. Dont know what the weather is like down there, but might be getting too cool to do it now?

When we lived in Townsville I established my lawn from 4" strips of buffalo that I dug from around the edges of my parents lawn, (next to driveway and house edge) kept their lawn neat, and got me free grass.
