View Full Version : Grout - Sanded or Unsanded?
2nd April 2008, 08:57 PM
I am getting 150 X 150 ceramic tiles laid on my bathroom floor. They are normal tiles - not laser cut (I don't know the correct terminology).
I am supplying materials. Should I get sanded or unsanded grout for this situation?
Honorary Bloke
2nd April 2008, 09:26 PM
Hi Mark,
Sanded is usually best as it's a bit stronger. Unsanded is typically used when the grout lines are really tight (like granite tiles, for example). Remember that where the tiles meet the wall, you will want silicon caulk, not grout. Many makers offer sanded caulk in colours to match their grout. :)
2nd April 2008, 10:03 PM
Hi Mark,
Sanded is usually best as it's a bit stronger. Unsanded is typically used when the grout lines are really tight (like granite tiles, for example). Remember that where the tiles meet the wall, you will want silicon caulk, not grout. Many makers offer sanded caulk in colours to match their grout. :)
Thanks Bob
7th April 2008, 10:16 PM
definately sanded on the floor. its stronger and hard wearing as oposed to non sanded grout.