View Full Version : Timber fence on Boundary

21st March 2008, 03:58 PM
My neighbour and I are amicably building a timber fence along our boundary, and splitting the cost. There is no existing fence. We are in suburbia.

Can anyone help out letting me know where to position the posts, or palings, relative to the boundary line. I know the exact line of the boundary.



21st March 2008, 05:44 PM
My neighbour and I are amicably building a timber fence along our boundary, and splitting the cost. There is no existing fence. We are in suburbia.

Can anyone help out letting me know where to position the posts, or palings, relative to the boundary line. I know the exact line of the boundary.



Its 50/50 isnt it?
Half on your side half on theirs? :?

21st March 2008, 07:26 PM
The face of the rails are on the boundary.


22nd March 2008, 07:22 AM
Thanks guys,

Opinions seem to vary a lot, but considering your replies, and after a bit of net surfing, it appears that -

The centre of the posts go along the boundary line.

If anyone knows for sure that this is wrong, please let me know.



22nd March 2008, 08:15 AM
As Al said ech neighbour gets half the fence,
By calculating the volume of timber in the fence it works out that the boundary is, as Tools said.

The face of the rails are on the boundary.

Ivan in Oz
22nd March 2008, 09:19 AM
As Al said ech neighbour gets half the fence,
By calculating the volume of timber in the fence it works out that the boundary is.

This might be one for Stirlo or Wongo:wink:

I'd got with Face of the Post
Face of the Rails

Here, the fences go where they want to once the Ground opens up with all the Dry.
Vertical they are NOT!

22nd March 2008, 09:21 AM
I really don't thing it matters, as long as you and your neighbor agree. I think the council accept 50mm either way. ( I think).

I'ts good you both agree and a halving the cost. I'm in a new area and my neighbours want something different. I'm just gunna bite the bullet and build what I want I my land and then have to foot the whole bill.

Ivan in Oz
22nd March 2008, 09:36 AM
Out here what seems to be accepted,
is that each pays for half of the Fence which is 'Normal' to that neighbourhood.
You want something better;
then that person pays the difference.
Else you go to Small Claims Court

22nd March 2008, 10:05 AM
face of post is face of rails for a normal paling fence

22nd March 2008, 01:16 PM
face of post is face of rails for a normal paling fence

Here in NSW the rail is not usually checked into the post. It looks horrible, in my opinion - but that's how they do it.

I am ex-Victorian, and in Vic we used to check the rail in, so the face was flush with the post.

I will build my fence the Victorian way, so the face of the post, and the face of the rail, will go right along the boundary.

Thanks everyone for your help



22nd March 2008, 06:26 PM
Thats correct ....face of the post forms the boundary line.....