View Full Version : Cupped Blackbutt Flooring

20th March 2008, 12:34 PM
We had new flooring laid about 18 months ago as part of a rennovation to our house. The boards are Blackbutt, 19 x 130mm tongue and groove. These were secret nailed over the old pine boards for part of the house and over particle board for the remainder. After about 3-4months they began to cup. They have now cupped throughout the entire house, with a couple of boards actually popping up. On reading the site it would appear that these boards should have been top nailed as well. Can these boards be top nailed retrospectively to fix the problem or does the job need to be re done?

Any comments appreciated.

20th March 2008, 09:49 PM
did you specified secret nail only or did the installer just do it off there own backs, if they did i would be asking for a new floor.

it not only breaks the Au's standard plus all recommended fixing methods it is not in accordance to any manufacturers instructions.

top fixing now may do little as the nails used to top nail would not be able to pull the cup out of the board.

you could try to top nail the floor (little cost) leave it for a few months then sand it level if the cupping is only slight. i would not stand now as the boards may relax (ie un cup) over time once being top nailed.

20th March 2008, 10:01 PM
If they cupped after 3-4 months, why has it taken 18 months to try to rectify the problem?

This should have been started as soon as cupping was evident.

If the cupping is that bad, top nailing in the first place would not have stopped it. Just as top nailing now will do buggarall.

You need to find a source of moisture under the floor and remove it.
If the floor has "popped" then the only option to fix it is to tear it out and install a new floor.
Ring ATFA (Australian Timber Flooring Association) and ask for the number of the nearest accredited flooring inspector. They charge, but are ussualy worth it.

God I hate 6" floors. Almost as much as 6" floors secret nailed...:~