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18th March 2008, 12:49 PM
Sorry I stuffed that last attempt,hope this makes more sense.
After reading here how much I’m missing out on, I’m ready to build my shed. So whats my problem you might ask. Well.Which shed company? I had narrowed it down to <st1><st1>Sydney</st1></st1> sheds and garages or the more solidly built but lower profiled roof offered by All Gal. Strangely enough living in <st1><st1>Sydney</st1></st1>is proving to be far more of a disadvantage than I expected. No local erectors so I’ve been advised I’ll need to pay the overnight accommodation and bring in an experienced crew for the <st1><st1>Sydney</st1></st1> job!!!
Oh that’s the other thing. The big pipe. The Board’s sewer runs across the property and guess what, the only place I can build it is slap bang on top of it.
Who to get to lay the slab. I though I might find a plumber who was also a concreter who could do both the encasing of the sewer and shed slab at the same time, and be certified by the Board. Does anyone have good experiences in the <st1><st1>Sydney</st1></st1> metro area and be willing to recommend the people they used?<o></o>
I’m happy to have my plans submitted to council but to get plans from the companies I’ve tried, they want you to buy the shed!! Great especially given the Councils interpretation of their own codes. It’s never straight forward with any Council but with the water Board in the picture the could be double the trouble. I would hate to buy and not get it passed.

Wild Dingo
19th March 2008, 02:11 AM
You know I can see several glaring issues here mate

1) Sydney

2) Getting ANYONE even half competent to do the job even slightly professionally

3) Sydney

4) ... Well... Sydney

I mean who in their worst derangement would even admit to living in that place is beyond me... I mean come on!!! Sydney???? :roll:

Ahem... okay I know someone has to live there but to admit to such a thing?? good greif man have you know pride? no shame? :doh:

oooh and good luck with that :2tsup:

19th March 2008, 10:52 PM
There is a positive to being in Sydney.:2tsup: The most beaut harbour in the Northern and Southern hemisphere. When I get tired of sailing that little beautie I have Pittwater to the north.:D
If the weather is bad I could always go down to my shed,
Ah if only I had a Shed!!!:~