View Full Version : Bob a Job

15th March 2008, 04:11 PM
What ever happened to Bob a Job week or is it now $10

Girl Guides selling raffles and choc chip cookies

15th March 2008, 04:58 PM
What ever happened to Bob a Job week or is it now $10

Girl Guides selling raffles and choc chip cookies

I think it was a good idea who's time had passed. Not many parents would be happy allowing their kids to roam the streets nowadays, particularly with the aim of entering houses. There are probably a whole raft of insurance and health and safety concerns too.

Mind you, I'm only guessing. My lad would rather kick a ball around than do scout stuff and so I don't know the real reasons.


15th March 2008, 05:06 PM
those reasons of course

although on occasions still see them doing BBq's at bunnies

15th March 2008, 06:06 PM
those reasons of course

although on occasions still see them doing BBq's at bunnies

That's probably more to the point - they've found other ways of raising money. My casual observations don't suggest that the scouts are any more flush with money than they've ever been.


15th March 2008, 07:18 PM
They found out it is much easier to get their dad to cook 700 sausages and sell them!

Like I have to in 38 deg heat tomorrow :(

15th March 2008, 08:35 PM
that would be a cool change here ....be a man cook in 41C :D:D

16th March 2008, 08:28 AM
It was like slave labour I tell ya!:D

The amount of work we had to do for a bob was incredible!

One old lady had two of us trapped in her garden weeding for ages!

16th March 2008, 08:39 AM
It was like slave labour I tell ya!:D

The amount of work we had to do for a bob was incredible!

One old lady had two of us trapped in her garden weeding for ages!She must have moved to Adelaide later in life. My brother and I weeded a 1/4 acre property, mowed, raked (no catchers in those days) and shovelled the edges for, wait for it - 2 bob.

Then we got in trouble because the Scout master didn't believe we hadn't pocketed some :(. Smart alec actually took us to the house and asked her what she paid us and how long we were there. The sod didn't even apologise :((

16th March 2008, 08:54 AM
Now thats more like it

They found out it is much easier to get their dad to cook 700 sausages and sell them!

Like I have to in 38 deg heat tomorrow :(

:? Now what is it that has caused you to be doing the BBQ you should be there supervising the kids should be cooking.

Had similar Groggy 2 of us 4 hrs cleaning an old normal size back yard ended up with the stack out the front of rubbish so high we couldn't see over it all for 40c.:~

But wouldn't it at our ages now to be able to have someone come around and do that sort of clean up for 20c :D:D

We wonder why kids don't have experience these days.

Bosses used to and I think they still do look for such activities as these in resumes.