15th March 2008, 09:58 AM
I have mains feed reticulation of 8 stations with a Rain Dial controller. Although the controller is working and I can here solenoids buzzing and clunks from the piping from presumably the valves no water is coming out of the sprinklers. The system was working perfectly until last week and I can see no signs of leakage anywhere. What could be the problem please? Thanks Biko
15th March 2008, 10:59 AM
Do you have a master solenoid at the point where the main feeds from. Check to make sure this is still working.
Planned LScape
15th March 2008, 07:11 PM
Check the wiring too, sometimes the connection can slightly come apart hence the buzzing noise or no solenoids engaging at all. The system going on and off is the wiring going in and out of connection hence the buzzing and the shaking pipes.
I use the gel connections for wiring, they keep it firmer together and much easier to put together.