View Full Version : The low-down on floors

10th March 2008, 07:58 PM
There are two options we are considering: the real floorboards and the not quite real, but still timber floating floors. I realise each side has it propoganda, but which one would be the best for a young family.

It seems like there is no real price difference, in fact, the real timber with the instal, sand and polish is cheaper (using bluegum or karri) than the pre-engineered floating Aust hardwood floors!!

I guess I really want opinions on the durability, how much rough treatment can the engineered ones really take!

Help please, I'm confused!!

10th March 2008, 08:59 PM
If you want to replace the floor in 5 years time, Go with the floater.
If you want the floor to outlast your kids, go solid wood.

That's all you need to know.

10th March 2008, 09:18 PM

11th March 2008, 10:00 AM
Fantastic! That's what I wanted to know!

Now to get an idea of how much the job would cost! I've only been guessing thus far with measurements.

But have been given from $65/ sq m for the timber (blue gum or karri) and then $60/sq m instal, sand and polish. And from $74/sq m timber (unnamed species) and 38/sq m for instal of prefinished boards, plus some type of sheeting to go under the boards where we have concrete floor (about $30/2.8 sq m). How do these seem for indicative pricing?

So another question, aside from the reduced mess and time involved,
what is the advantage/disadvantage of prefinished over finishing on site?

Think that's all!!

11th March 2008, 10:42 AM
Send a PM to Dusty.
He would have more idea of cost than I do.

11th March 2008, 10:24 PM
There was a guy in the local (Sydney) paper, $100 fit and lay T&G hardwood flooring. But for that price I would want to see previous work, maybe its like: :o. Nick

12th March 2008, 04:51 PM
There was a guy in the local (Sydney) paper, $100 fit and lay T&G hardwood flooring. But for that price I would want to see previous work, maybe its like: :o. Nick

Where is Sydney? I have found living in the south west, things are much cheaper than in other areas!