View Full Version : Can you paint over Linseed oil with acrylic paint?

8th March 2008, 01:54 PM
Many years ago, I built a steel canoe trailer. I sold the canoe six years ago but kept the trailer which has kept itself in remarkably good condition so I have decided to convert it into a box trailer. This is the sort of contraption that is evolving ...


I had a poor experience with an all-steel box trailer 25 years ago when rust completely destroyed it, especially the tray. Life was too busy for me back in those child rearing/mortgage years to do much regular maintenance on it. So I have decided to make the box out of 21 mm structural ply this time to avoid the same rust issues.

I have thought about whether it would be best to paint the underside or just slap a mix of linseed oil and turps into it like I do with my gardening tool handles.

However in the box itself, I want to paint the inside with acrylic paint but have also wondered if I should paint it with linseed oil/turps also, prior to painting it with acrylic paint.

I recall from when I was a boy that the old oil based house paints used to take ok to linseed oil but I am not sure about acrylic based paints.

All advice gratefully received, please. Will acrylic paint adhere to a linseed oiled plywood?

8th March 2008, 10:13 PM
acrylic will not stick to an oil base .....oil base will stick to an acrylic base ..but not the other way round .....now if you want a sturdy trailer box and still want to use ply ....I would reccomend using a sheet of galvanized tin on the bottom and pre paint it with bitumen emulsion...this will prevent rust underneath, you can buy it at most large auto parts outlets, its used under the wheel arches of cars etc most problems start when a trailer is not used and parked on grass for long periods of time ...moisture from the grass rises and causes dampness underneath ..this starts rust forming ( its also a good idea to park your car in the driveway and not on the lawn, for the same reason)......

8th March 2008, 10:26 PM
Many thanks, Manoftalent. :)