View Full Version : Yet another dice with death

5th March 2008, 11:39 AM
Well here I am guys...back from yet another dice with death. When will it end?
Got a filthy rotten germ in my prostate, infected my blood and went to my lungs.. :oo: a very sick puppy was I!
8 days in damned hospital. Had more needles than a Saigon junkie. On a morphine pump for 3 days, had 4 (yep 4!) bloody lumbar punctures. Wasn't told I was supposed to lay flat on me back for 24 hours and drink lots of water so now I have a permanent post-lumbar puncture headache of an almost unbearable magnitude. The pills I take for the headache make me nauseous. I wanna die (not really but its tough). Back at work now but still feeling decidedly queasy. Might sue the hospital over the badly botched lumbar puncture. Some damned RMO did the first 3 and couldn't find spinal fluid so they had to call a specialist in.
My doctors were:
3 Indians
1 Sri Lankan:cool:
1 Gyanian :2tsup:
1 Egyptian :((
1 Greek :2tsup:
1 Malaysian :((

all the nurses were Australian. :2tsup: I think there were some communication problems!! :doh:
Anyway glad to be back among friends. I still don't have Internet access at home so my missives will be few and far between for a little while yet.
See you all later.

PS: Still no shed for now my rusting tools. :C:no:(I live right on the banks of a foggy river).

5th March 2008, 11:46 AM
That all sounds decidedly nasty.:( Nothing worse than feeling unwell.

I hope it's not a long term thing, and that you get back into "full swing" soon.

5th March 2008, 11:57 AM
Was wondering where you were Sheddy. Hope things get better...

5th March 2008, 12:18 PM
eeeekk! :o I wouldn't wish that on anyone:no: Sounds like you've had a reall rough time.

if you can't get to your shed, can't use the internet much - what's left?

I just hope you have stocked up on a large assortment of ww magazines.

I hope you recover quickly, the forum's a better place for your presence.


Bleedin Thumb
5th March 2008, 12:26 PM
SHEEE!! Sheddy what you beeen doing with yourself. It sounds like that germ was a real nasty one ..lucky it didn't finish you off.

Whats the prognosis on the headaches...will they ever go away? doesn't sound good at all.

Glad to hear your up and about anyway.

5th March 2008, 12:40 PM
Mike, strewth what a rough time you've gone through. Hope there's some light soon. :2tsup:

5th March 2008, 12:52 PM
Thanks guys. I'm told by the specialist that Post Lumbar Puncture headaches usually pass with in 7 days. She had one herself for a month, my brother had one for 8 months and the longest known is 19 months. I've had mine for 11 days so hopefully I'll be over it soon. Its not good to bend down to tie your shoes and have your head feel like its going to explode...:C

5th March 2008, 12:56 PM
Get well soon mate. Do you want us to PM you a kiss?

5th March 2008, 12:56 PM
Sounds tough Sheddie, hopefully that headache will be gone soon.

All the best with your recovery, John.

5th March 2008, 05:17 PM
Dam Sheddie lets hope it passes real soon mate.

5th March 2008, 07:54 PM
Mike, blessed hells can't you duck when they throw shiite.

Take care and learn to duck!

5th March 2008, 08:45 PM
You will have to be more careful where you put you prostate.
Picking up germs with it is not good for the health. :roll:

5th March 2008, 09:59 PM
Shed OH how I hate those Lumbar punctures had a few in my time last one bloody quack snapped the needle so some where in my spinal bone I have a piece that was when i was 14/15 yrs.

The headaches I still recall never that long tho.

Take it easy and keep safe.

Oh Thank god for nurses especially the nice ones

5th March 2008, 10:04 PM
Sounds like you had a rough time of it. Hope everything goes well for the future Shed

5th March 2008, 10:13 PM
:oo: Sheddie you know how to make a guy writhe around in sympathy - yow!

Hope you get over it real quick!

5th March 2008, 10:42 PM
G'Day Shedhand

Sorry to hear of your illness, if its any consolation your pain threshold does improve, I have had a constant headache for past two and a half years since 10 hours of brain surgery. You learn what not to do that makes it worse. Second thoughts probably no consolation at all, but have learned to live with it and is better than the alternative. Get better soon .


tea lady
5th March 2008, 11:32 PM
Geez Shedhand. All I can offer is a cup o' tea. One lump or two.:D
Get well soon.

6th March 2008, 12:14 AM
Goodness me.....talk about "spice of life" .....all those nationalities...just as well all the nursing staff were Aussies....at least you could understand them....guess its like the Doctors handwriting...cant ever understand that either....so guessing it's not so disappointing if we can't understand what their saying.....LOL.....

Well really mate....can't say much that the others haven't covered already...but thought that I would dedicate some of my shed time to you....

On Friday...I am starting another project...the Queensize bed...is finished(that took about 15 days...on & off) ....now I'm going to make a 'Coolgardie Safe'...or meat-safe...
...so... I will take pictures for you from start to finish....let you know what I do each day....its a wedding present for my girlfriend....her wedding is on Easter Saturday....going to Busselton Wednesday before...for it....so have only got 12 days....so lets see how long it will takes!

Going to make it similar to the one on my wed page....but not quite as wide...and this one I will encorporate a hidden compartment into it also....thinking of three shelves...but only one door....can see the picture in my head....want it to look rustic...but different to my stuff...will try to add a little character....
I love to see their faces when my friends look at the pieces I make them....makes it all worth while...
So...my friend...I'll keep intouch...send you pictures and keep you updated....
My thoughts are with you.....hoping the pains subsiding....

Shocking sense of humour I have....but hey I'm honest & can't help telling you.....that I still laugh when I remembered all those "headache" jokes....what was that famous saying "Now... we've established you don't have a headache...how about sex?" Hey...I lost my wonderful man to Cancer....we didn't have a chance to fight it....4th stage & only 6 weeks...so, its so nice to know others have a chance....sincerely your's in friendship...and sawdust....KEKEMO...added my web site link...go into Pictures on the side bar menu....lots of photo's in there.....


joe greiner
6th March 2008, 12:16 AM
Best of luck, Mike. Your positive attitude shows through your tale of woe.


6th March 2008, 01:14 AM
Hi Sheddie,

Na mate, not cursed at all, but,.... I am sure glad I live a long way from you, just in case mind.

In all serious, hope you get well soon and the headache abates.


6th March 2008, 04:26 AM
Best wishes to a speedy recovery and I will let the moderators know of your misfortune.

6th March 2008, 04:51 PM
Here I am again. Just reporting that the headache has abated slightly to around a force 3 (out of 10). Today is the last day I have to take 16 pills of various size and colour. Just a bit dizzy at the moment but guess that'll pass soon. Long weekend coming up so I'm going to start earning my free rent. Going to totally replace 18m x 2.2m of pergola over the bosses rear verandah - I'm living in a nice cottage on his property - loverly place. Just won't look down. Anyone know how to cut Laserlite 2000 without it chipping at the cutting line. I have to cut the standard 2.4m sheets in half to 1.2m long?
Cheers and thanks for all the kind thoughts guys and gals. :2tsup:

6th March 2008, 05:12 PM
Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and taste....

Just a bit 'o' "sympathy" Shedmeister. (or do you like "dancin' with Mr D".)

7th March 2008, 12:16 AM
Jeez Sheddie, hope you're feeling much better soon. You want to stick around long enough to see the Hawks back on top of the comp!

7th March 2008, 07:04 PM
Shedie you've really been through the mill. I hope things improve dramatically.
funny how doctors don't always tell you the full story. I was nottold full about the dope I was taking on leac\ving hospital. Was supposed to stay out of the sun but wasn't told. Luckily only ended up with a scabby face, nothing compared to your probs. mate.
Laserlite? I think needs to be cut with a grinder as far as I know.

8th March 2008, 10:02 AM
Mate I have been feeling sorry for myself having a wrenched neck (painkillers for a week) and a flu type cough (just about to visit doc) but hey your awesome - what a crappy track you've trodden.

Goodluck - you seem to be staying above the ground level so all is not lost - wish you well soon.

Allan at Wallan
8th March 2008, 11:22 AM
Hi Shedhand,
Just had a short stay in hospital with a benign
prostrate condition. I specifically chose to have
a general anasthetic rather than a needle in the
back. I think the staff you had have now joined
my hospital. One young Indian nurse went to
pieces in trying to extract the gear from my
private parts. She failed miserably and had to
call a Chinese nurse to assist. At one stage
they had stretched the offending part to such
an extent I could not believe it was still part
of me. The missus would have been proud of me.
Hope you improve very soon and get involved
in Forum and your shed activities.



I once stole a calendar - and got 12 months.

8th March 2008, 01:48 PM
Hi Shedhand,
Just had a short stay in hospital with a benign
prostrate condition. I specifically chose to have
a general anasthetic rather than a needle in the
back. I think the staff you had have now joined
my hospital. One young Indian nurse went to
pieces in trying to extract the gear from my
private parts. She failed miserably and had to
call a Chinese nurse to assist. At one stage
they had stretched the offending part to such
an extent I could not believe it was still part
of me. The missus would have been proud of me.
Hope you improve very soon and get involved
in Forum and your shed activities.



I once stole a calendar - and got 12 months.:D

8th March 2008, 01:50 PM
Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and taste....

Just a bit 'o' "sympathy" Shedmeister. (or do you like "dancin' with Mr D".)Just a foxtrot or two LesserGreater ol' sock... :2tsup:

28th April 2008, 03:58 PM
As a Tasmanian myself I also tell people who visit to never get sick in Tassie!

The health system is appalling
our shameful government of the day has really stuffed everything up :(( and while they will be gone soon the alternative isnt any better.

28th April 2008, 04:03 PM
I jhope you get better quick Sheddie

Cliff Rogers
28th April 2008, 06:06 PM
I missed this thread the first time around. :oo:
(I was actually in Hobart when you first posted it)
I hope you have recovered Sheddie.

4th May 2008, 08:12 PM
Corr blimey Mike. You middle name isn't Lucky is it? Sheeesh. I rmbr when the boards on the shed side fell on you.

Been at girlfriends all week. She's getting over Phuemonia. Hope I've a job to go to Tmmrrw.

Get well soon Mike. :2tsup:

5th May 2008, 11:56 AM
Bit rough sheddie when you have to remember to take your foriegn phrase books to hospital with you. A good hospital would sell them near the entrance.

Get well.
