View Full Version : homemade wood refinisher

4th March 2008, 05:01 AM
I have oak cabinets which I want to restain. I wonder if any of you can recommend a homemade refinisher solution recipe. The cabinets are stained with an 'oak' stain and probably a combo stain/polyurethane product. They have aged in 13 years and so look near orange these days.

I know I'll need to sand but not all that hard if I can 'refinisher' out some of the stain/polyurethane of the wood.

Any ideas?

5th March 2008, 12:45 AM

Well, lookie here:


I'll give it a try. Hope this works! Maybe it will help one of you, too!


6th March 2008, 12:58 PM
let us know how it goes.