View Full Version : Potassium bichrmate crystal

21st January 2003, 05:00 PM
Neil Ellis waxes lyrical about the colour this gives on cedar and Kalantas timber, I want to try it out. Tried all normal sources and met with blank stares. Anyone know where these crystals can be obtained in or around Sydney, preferably North Shore?

13th February 2003, 12:07 AM
Please see http://www.hoslink.com/Ellis/POTDICH.htm
and http://www.vanbar.com.au/photochem/msds/Cyanotype.html

[This message has been edited by DavidG (edited 13 February 2003).]

22nd February 2003, 12:33 PM
Try the Yellow pages under Chemical Suppliers or Dyes or try the older established chemist shops. Occasionally they have a tin of it out the back. High school science labs usually have some they are happy to share. Try also Tannery or tannery supplies.

Even the police might have some kicking around somewhere as it was used as a reagent for breath testing years ago.

However, maybe the first place to try might be the one who's MSDS is in the post above.

Photochem (Australia)
4 Daly Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141
03 9827 0877

Hope this helps.

Cheers - Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

PS Make sure you follow all the safety precautions when using this or any other mordants.