View Full Version : Alarm Piezo

1st March 2008, 09:05 PM
I have installed a new bosch alarm every thing is working well
except for the piezo screamer it is connected from N/O to ground
I tested it on a 12 v battery and worked ok
The wiring diagram has wired pir's of it but i am using wireless
i don't think this is the problem
please view wiring diagram http://www.boschsecurity.com.mx/_archivos_productos_sitios_la/documentos/intrusion/EN/cc488p_qref_0506_en.pdf
Can i use another circuit like the siren?

1st March 2008, 11:50 PM
Check that link (No 7 on the drawing) is installed between 12V and COMM. This is what directs the internal 12V supply to the COMM terminal and then to the N/O when activated.

2nd March 2008, 12:50 PM
Thankyou, that did the trick