View Full Version : Lawn mower Running Rough
27th February 2008, 10:29 PM
Any Lawnmower gurus out there who might be able to help me out with this
My lawnmower (4 stroke) sounds as though it is starving for fuel on a flat surface it misses intermittently, the fuel tank is full, I start mowing on a slope with the mower leaning to the right and it does the same thing, but when I turn the mower around mow the opposite direction so the mower is leaning to the left on the slope,the motor seems to magically correct itself:? i was starting to think it was oil but i have checked it and it is full and I recently changed it and topped it up It has only started to do this in the last few weeks I have cleaned the air filter changed the Spark plug what else can i do the mower is about 5 years old and...
Any advice would be appreciated
Wood Borer
27th February 2008, 10:43 PM
It's not the float or needle in the carbie?
27th February 2008, 10:56 PM
Any Lawnmower gurus out there who might be able to help me out with this
My lawnmower (4 stroke) sounds as though it is starving for fuel on a flat surface it misses intermittently, the fuel tank is full, I start mowing on a slope with the mower leaning to the right and it does the same thing, but when I turn the mower around mow the opposite direction so the mower is leaning to the left on the slope,the motor seems to magically correct itself:? i was starting to think it was oil but i have checked it and it is full and I recently changed it and topped it up It has only started to do this in the last few weeks I have cleaned the air filter changed the Spark plug what else can i do the mower is about 5 years old and...
Any advice would be appreciated
Did this happen before you changed the oil , if not I think you may have overfilled it a tad, there is a max level as well as a minimun level :rolleyes:
28th February 2008, 08:58 AM
Not too sure about a sticking needle the float or the carby
and all honesty tech wise I would not be too sure on what to look for
I have also noticed when its on a flat surface that if i lean the mower back onto the catcher so the front of the mower is in the air slightly it also corrects itself but when i let it sit in its "normal position it starts playing up again.. I changed the oil about 2 months back and have checked the stick repeatedley its not overfull or under
DJ’s Timber
28th February 2008, 09:23 AM
I'd be checking the carbie, could be the float or needle sticking or a bit of grit has got in there and is jamming or restricting something
28th February 2008, 09:37 AM
sounds like dirt in the petrol, and a bit has got in the carby
28th February 2008, 10:51 AM
does the fuel come from the rear left hand side of the fuel tank if so
check the filter at the bottom of the fuel tank it my be partialy blocked , sometimes these are a cone shapeand if its only clean at the top this would account for the intermittant faults you have described ... I think
28th February 2008, 12:06 PM
No the fuel tank looking at the front of the mower is located on the LHS of the motor it is a Briggs/s 375 spirit how do i access the fuel filter when the tank is sealed? I unbolted and emptied the tank cause i thought it may have been dirty or stale fuel...
thx again
28th February 2008, 12:39 PM
does the filter screw in from the bottom where the fuel line connects , there should be a fuel filter at the take off point ...i think :?
28th February 2008, 04:42 PM
patty , with the model number you can go here ( and download the owner manual...probably help you out more
28th February 2008, 05:57 PM
If the beast is a Briggs Sprint 375, the carby sits above the tank and is held with 2 or 3 screws into the tank. The pickup drops into the tank between these. You could get to the pickup by dropping the tank.
Try adding about half a cup of metho into the tank and running for a while. If the tank had water from sitting or a previous batch of fuel, it would most likely be in the carby now. The metho will absorb the water (if there is any) and allow it to pass through the carby and be cleared.
Have you checked the air cleaner on top of the carby. This needs to be cleaned or replaced at regular intervals. They are normally a wash out foam element that has a few drops of oil applied and worked through.
Otherwise, you may need to become aquainted with a mower man.
28th February 2008, 07:47 PM
malb that is the animal and you have descibed it to a tea will unbolt carby and clean out
thx again Gents