View Full Version : Help with choice of hardwood floor

26th February 2008, 02:46 PM

I am building a new house and am planning to have hardwood timber floor in living areas, corridor and stairs. I have visited a hardwood timber supplier in Melbourne who is recommending Silk Oak hardwood floor from Malaysia, which, according to his opinion, has a higher rating and is harder than better than Australian Silk Oak.

I am looking for a hardwood timber floor that has some character and is not easily dented. I am not very familiar with the quality of hardwood floors and would appreciate any help or ideas on which floor to go for.

Thank you

26th February 2008, 04:18 PM
Hardwood that doesn't dent.
Will out last you, me, our kids, their kids.
Is Australian. Not imported.

Go for Spotted Gum or Grey Ironbark.

26th February 2008, 04:22 PM
Malaysian Silky Oak - that's a new kind of sales-speak :D:D

Anyway, what Glock-enspieled - Aussie hardwoods are super hard and tough. Check our Whelan's Warehouse, Plummer Street Port Melbourne.

26th February 2008, 05:00 PM
Given that your in Frankston, I can highly recommend that you give Mountain Timber Products, (http://www.mountaintimberproducts.com.au/) which are situated in Dromana a call.

Also, you can try Taits Timber & Hardware (http://www.taittimber.com.au/) in Somerville, they have a large timber show room which might impress you.

26th February 2008, 05:40 PM
It might be just cause they grow it everywhere here... but coastal blackbutt is very popular here. Can't tell you how it compares though.

28th February 2008, 08:16 PM
Great advice with the Spotty and Ironbark, you may also want to have a look at grey box aswell :U
