View Full Version : Painting new plasterboard?

25th February 2008, 09:40 PM
We have just put up the new plasterboard in our EX garage - followed the instructions regarding paper tapeing the joins and corners.
We have bought some acrylic prep paint from Bunnings. Is it ok to apply this? I have been reading a few posts and it sounds like we have to wait some time. Can anyone tell me what we have to do next and the following stages :- Samwise.

25th February 2008, 11:55 PM
paint your little hearts out...as long as your new plasterboard joins etc are dry and sanded off...and your happy with it, then get out the brush and roller and start painting the sealer on, after you seal the plasterboard, then coat it with whatever top coat of paint you would like....use an acrylic paint...its eaiser

26th February 2008, 07:58 AM
Thanks for your reply - I think we need to apply more plaster in some areas after looking at it this morning, in the joins in particular - then sand back. Will make sure its looking smooth and completely dry & clean before applying the sealer . I was mainly concernered when i read some posts saying their paper tape had come off after awhile. :rolleyes: Samwise