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24th February 2008, 11:28 AM
<headline>Little black book of scams revealed</headline>

<!--articleTools Top--> <date>February 24, 2008 - 11:04A</date>m

NSW police and the state government have issued a warning to computer users about seduction scams aimed at stealing money or identities.
<!--articleExtras-wrap--> <bod> </bod> The warning coincides with the annual release of the "little black book of scams" as part of a national scam awareness campaign.
NSW Police Fraud Squad Commander Col Dyson said computer users should be wary of giving out personal details over the internet or clicking on pop ups which could send a virus to your computer.
"Just because someone is asking for your personal details, doesn't mean you should hand them over, whether it's a holiday or a hot date, the offer might be a scam," Supt Dyson said.
He said many scams were designed to trick people into giving their personal details by using phone, email, mail and door-to-door campaigns.
The Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) consumer fraud taskforce issued a statement saying organised crime syndicates were now using scams or mass market global fraud as part of a lucrative new business

24th February 2008, 05:14 PM
The Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) consumer fraud taskforce issued a statement saying organised crime syndicates were now using scams or mass market global fraud as part of a lucrative new business

I think they are 20 years too late with the warning. :doh:

24th February 2008, 09:24 PM
Whats new?:((

25th February 2008, 11:03 AM
Anyone want to buy a cheap bridge in Sydney? It is being sold for scrap as it is now surplus to requirements. Just send me your bank details + :2tsup: ........................

Have you seen the # of yellow plates in Qld recently? Perhaps that is why the bridge is now obsolete. :D:D

25th February 2008, 11:18 AM
Anyone want to buy a cheap bridge in Sydney? It is being sold for scrap as it is now surplus to requirements. Just send me your bank details + :2tsup: ........................

Have you seen the # of yellow plates in Qld recently? Perhaps that is why the bridge is now obsolete. :D:D

No Bob its the bottom of the harbour deals done, tunnels an tollways Sydney's obsession with them if you drive the complete Orbital as it was going to be called it cost you over $100 but the RTA and Labor gov reckons it saves you money.

On what they are not sure as every morning and pm there is this great big car park ring around Sydney.

Or just the grey nomads heading north for the winter you know QLD's scam Ïf it doesn't rain it pours.

26th February 2008, 09:28 AM
Perhaps I shouldn't tell those :no: South of the border that even though I live in a town of some 22000 people - we don't even pay to park :no:.

The council, in their infinite wisdom, well, they at least got this one right, found that when we had parking meters it cost more to administer/repair/maintain them than they were getting as a financial return - so they were removed, and, I believe, SOLD for SCRAP :2tsup:.


26th February 2008, 09:54 AM
... so they were removed, and, I believe, SOLD for SCRAP :2tsup:.

Hope they emptied them first!

26th February 2008, 10:12 AM
You can bet your house on the fact that they did.

They were seen [by the powers that be] as a cash cow but the milker ran dry.:D

Parking meters were an economic disaster here - they toyed with the idea of Park & Display but the voters [many like me] told them what they could do with that idea. :;