View Full Version : Bit of a rant.

22nd February 2008, 10:14 AM
I have nothing of much importance to say, except to say, this site is probably the best thing since sliced bread. Lucky for me, SWMBO pointed it out to me and here I/we are.
I was a member of a motorcycle forum run by a bloke who would ban anyone who held an opinion that differed from his. I dropped off the site after watching members cop 24 hour bans for disagreeing with a statement or an opinion that the owner did not agree with.
On one particular thread, a discussion was taking place regarding certain American State laws (some states in the USA do not have helmet laws). It was a very interesting discussion at the time, until the 'owner' jumped in and stated that his opinion of this particular law was XYZ, and that if the discussion did not revolve around his state law, which stated that helmets MUST be worn, then the posters would be banned from any further discussion.
One long-standing and respected member who was not involved in this discussion, asked that the participants be permitted their views on the subject, as it was a very sensible debate that many were following with interest. These blokes were quoting stats and research papers etc, with regard to the subject.
Firstly, the two participants were banned from the site because, "There was no value in discussing the rights or wrongs of helmet wearing and may induce some people to stop wearing them altogether."
The gentleman who asked that the discussion be permitted to run it's course was banned for 24 hours. That was when I decided to drop out. By the way, I was NOT a participant in this discussion.
The site is only open to sycophants.
Many of us were emailing privately for fear of offending the 'owner', and it came to pass that something like 30 members dropped out altogether at this time. I have never visited the site since, in protest, as have many others who I keep in touch with privately.
My rant is to point out that this site (WWF), seems to permit open dialogue and differing opinions, which I find refreshing. It makes for great entertainment at times and the information is amazing and helpful.
Maybe we "Woodies" are a different bunch of people who respect, welcome and invite each other's opinions. I like that.

22nd February 2008, 10:24 AM
Yes I can safely say that I have never witnessed someone being banned for holding a different opinion to the forum owner. If Neil disagrees with something you say, he'll let you know in no uncertain terms but you are left to writhe in agony on the floor, not shown the door :D

22nd February 2008, 11:23 AM
On ya Toyboy. I agree this site is fantastic for the information you (one) can glean from it and certainly the quality of that info is enhanced by the diversity of opinion, and yes, argument available from it's members on a very wide range of ww topics et al.

Haven't received the wrath of god, er Neil yet. Must try harder!

22nd February 2008, 11:52 AM
Haven't received the wrath of god, er Neil yet. Must try harder!

Neil is the kind one, but you have to worry about the ax wielding mongrel around here. :D:D:D


22nd February 2008, 12:48 PM
Just wait until I become dictator!!:D:D:D

22nd February 2008, 12:55 PM
"Woodies" are a different bunch of people who respect, welcome and invite each other's opinions

Only if they agree with mine :D

22nd February 2008, 06:00 PM
TB, why not get together with the sensible ones from that bad forum and make a new one.

22nd February 2008, 06:05 PM
We actually discussed that, but it's all been done to death.

joe greiner
23rd February 2008, 12:24 AM
Maybe we "Woodies" are a different bunch of people who respect, welcome and invite each other's opinions.

... unless the topic is metric vs Imperial dimensions, 4x2 vs 2x4, spelling, grammar, pronunciation, football, ... Enter at your own risk!


23rd February 2008, 12:57 AM
There is no wayI will mention any of those things.:o
I would be polite enough to only discuss sex, religion and politics.:doh:

23rd February 2008, 03:51 PM
Neil is the kind one, but you have to worry about the ax wielding mongrel around here. :D:D:D

Peter.You betcha your sweet bippy.:wink:

24th February 2008, 08:32 AM
I find this forum particularly irritating most of the time. I know I'm always right but there are those who will persist in disagreeing with me.


Everyone is entitled to my opinion

24th February 2008, 11:26 AM
I find this forum particularly irritating most of the time. I know I'm always right but there are those who will persist in disagreeing with me.


Everyone is entitled to my opinion

Judy? Is that you? Fancy that! Husband and wife on the same forum?

/me waves, "Hi Sweetie!"

24th February 2008, 05:19 PM
You betcha your sweet bippy.:wink:

I have to agree that is a one of a kind, let it slide until it gets too much, type of person.

Then look out......:o:U

He has way too much tolerance...:;

24th February 2008, 05:35 PM
Dunno 'bout that.

Recall him saying one time 'OK, kiddies' or somesuch.

Must've been the tone of voice he picked up from his Dad, as we all shut up ;-}

24th February 2008, 05:56 PM
Nah, 's a softie at heart

24th February 2008, 06:02 PM
Think you're right, but no sign of soft in the head.

24th February 2008, 07:38 PM
I disagree with all of you, so there. ( See if I get banned)