12th January 2003, 04:21 PM
I wish to try an oil finish on two bedside dressers made from Kalantas which is a little open grain.
Some products say coat first with satin estapol, some say wipe on with lambswood pad or cloth, some say wipe off other rub in with 400 wet and dry, some with 0000 wire wool. I am now thoroughly confused.
Question would Kalantus need some sort of grain filler before oiling. What product would be best. I want a nice patina which can be polished up over time.
Does a beeswax final rub enter into the equation.Rank amateur, please help.
John Winslow
Some products say coat first with satin estapol, some say wipe on with lambswood pad or cloth, some say wipe off other rub in with 400 wet and dry, some with 0000 wire wool. I am now thoroughly confused.
Question would Kalantus need some sort of grain filler before oiling. What product would be best. I want a nice patina which can be polished up over time.
Does a beeswax final rub enter into the equation.Rank amateur, please help.
John Winslow