View Full Version : Promlem start

14th February 2008, 08:58 PM
Having trouble starting my whipper snipper. It's a Homelite 2 stroke.

I replaced the spark plug with a new one as specified in the booklet. Also drained the fuel and got new fuel and 2 stroke oil. 50-1

The air filter is very clean

Still the thing won't start.

Any thoughts?

DJ’s Timber
14th February 2008, 09:04 PM
Is the muffler blocked? Can quite often get mud wasp building a nest in the exhaust opening.

15th February 2008, 04:02 PM
Is there any spark at the sparkplug?

Remove plug and connect lead rest plug hex on cylinder or metal engine part to provide ground connection - crank over in dark place to see if you have spark at plug electrodes - if not maybe the ignition module has failed or coil/points/condensor faulty on older model.

If spark present probably issue is in fuel system - blocked in tank filter, collapsed/blocked fuel lines or faulty carby.

Check for blockage of carbon on exhaust port but less likely to prevent starting.

15th February 2008, 05:00 PM
WHen my lownmower won't start and the plug is OK it's usually a blown head gasket. Not hard to replace on the mower, not sure about a whipper snipper, but if there's no compression it's not going to go.


15th February 2008, 05:16 PM
You could use the blocklayers labourer approach

1: Pull and pull that rope until it breaks
2: Check the petrol to find its totally empty
3: Curse the blocklayer for having broken down old gear


15th February 2008, 05:58 PM
Will have a crack at it over the weekend

15th February 2008, 08:46 PM
Not exactly a wood working tool is it unless you wrap it around a tree ??
But seriously the main problem is they dont start well when hot , can be difficult to get the choke right + then flood easily+ the throttle should usually be fully on.

15th February 2008, 09:03 PM
to find out whats rong.

give the thing a coupla pulls with choke on.
remove the spark plug.
check to see if the plug is "wet".if not you have a fuel problem

check the pickup in the tank it should have a filter on it.
take the bowl off the carby. check it for dirt in the bottom.check the jets for dirt these can be cleaned with a bit of thin wire. tip the fuel out of the carby as it could contain watter. put the thing back to gether.now try to start it if it still dosent start

pull the plug back out and tip a bit of fuel streight into the cylender and dip the end of the plug in some fuel.
put it back together and give it a pull (without the choke) it should fire strainght awayif it keeps running then it just needed some help to start. if not then there is sompthing blocking the fuel still.

if it is " wet"

do as 'Quasimodo' said to check the spark.if there is none then the maggy may need cleaning.
if there is you probably flooded it just keep pulling the cord with the choke off and the thing full throttle.