View Full Version : Marrage Vs Table Saw

Sir Stinkalot
24th December 2003, 07:02 PM
After 9 years of dating the Stink finally asked the Stinkette for her hand in marriage ....... unfortunately the Stink really didn't think it through too thoroughly ...... after placing a deposit on the engagement ring today the only thought that was going through Stinkies head was that the Stinkette will for ever be wearing the equivalent of two Jet table saws and appropriate dust extraction on her finger ......

Has the stink made the correct decision? will the regret of the lost table saws be forever weighing heavily on the Stinkettes finger? Is there something wrong with the Stink for even thinking this way? Should the Stink have proposed to the table saw initially to save all of this resentment? What do you think???

24th December 2003, 08:17 PM

A cyclone will probably suck those mixed thouts out of your head, seperate them.........what's left in the bin is what you gonna live with forever!

24th December 2003, 08:33 PM
A woman spurned can take your hand off as fast as a table saw, so just grin and bear it.

Robert WA
24th December 2003, 08:58 PM
There is a remote possibility that the saw will do what you tell it into the future.
The wench has agreed to marry you. That is the last time you will get what you want from her.
38 years married and still to win my first argument.

24th December 2003, 09:09 PM
I'm sure the table saw wouldn't complain if you used another saw occasionally - you could even use a hand saw in an emergency!

24th December 2003, 09:20 PM
I voted for the tablesaw. That marriage BS is a slippery slope - first you gotta hock yourself to the eyeballs to pay for it all, then comes the mortgage, kid, sensible car, sensible job, second kid, second sensible car, second mortgage, school fees, first heart attack, university fees, second heart attack..... DON'T DO IT!!

MUCH safer messing with a tablesaw than all that :) :) :)

On a slightly more serious note - CONGRATS! :) Life will never be the same again. Some of it even for the better :)

John Saxton
24th December 2003, 09:21 PM
Not easy to get a tablesaw to keep you warm over those cool wintry nights.
Cyclones tend to create a draught and in the wrong places.
Go with the Stinkette and and you'll have less time for these polls!

Good luck!

24th December 2003, 10:54 PM
I go for the saw
to clear the thoughts lie on the couch with a beer or two and all silly thoughts of the stinkettes hand will vanish ....I didnt do that 32 yrs ago and found that the rest of the body comes with the hand ....like it or not:)
congrats on the coming nauptials

25th December 2003, 01:18 AM
My vote is for the stinkette.
Plus a couple kids somewhere along the way.
Its a battle, but hey, better than being a lonely double tablesaw owner if you ask me.
You gotta have someone to come and visit you when you are stuck in a nursing home!

Trouble with relationships is that people expect them to go along nicely without putting any work into them. Give the relationship a bit of attention now and then and like a good tablesaw, it will serve you well and give you much more back in return!


25th December 2003, 08:58 AM
I don't believe it!! http://www.ubeaut.biz/lovers.gif(No Contest!, Work that out for yourselves))

25th December 2003, 02:22 PM
Once your married, you will have to change your name to Sir Stinkalittleless.
Cheers, Allan :D

25th December 2003, 06:37 PM

That's a hard call. Mmmm.

It does remind me of the advert in a Russian newspaper that read, "Wife wanted for farmer - must own a tractor. Reply to XXX. Please send picture of tractor".

Best wishes on your good news


26th December 2003, 08:23 AM
when you send out all your invitations add a note on the bottom that states that there is a wedding present wish list held at carbatec or mik even hare and forbes and you never know what goodies you may end up with

best wishes

:) ;) :)

26th December 2003, 09:01 AM
Marriage is like a three ring circus:
The engagement ring
The wedding ring
The suffering
:D :D :D
I should know, on the second edition now (23 years and two #%*$ kids)

26th December 2003, 03:21 PM
remember child allowance and rebates from our DEAR Goverment,:D
its extra stuff in the bank account that could get lost at the local tool shop
Congratulations you just never know she just might come out and work with you :rolleyes: :p :D :confused: Tony

26th December 2003, 05:09 PM
I suggest you stay as you are afterall why change after nine years and instead buy matching Jet table saws and a shared DC.

If you don't the first thing she will change is your name from "Sir Stinkelot" to "The Deoderant Guy " and then take away your workshop for the then needed nursery. :) :) :)

BTW Congratulations.


Kev Y.
27th December 2003, 07:51 AM
Sorry to say I went with the SAW...

At least when its parents come to vist it you will be able to get them to do some work for you..

Appolgies to the future MRS STINKALOT

27th December 2003, 10:33 AM
I told my wife about your dilema and she said considering that 50% of all marrages end in divorce, go with the table saw, that'll be with you for life.

My opinion is that if the ring is worth 2 Jet Table saws and a DC, get a cheaper ring and with the money you save, get the table saw.

28th December 2003, 08:48 PM
crime converters sells both rings (second hand) & tool ware (second hand). Save money and tell her its "an antiquie".

good luck with your beloved, more things than just cyclones suck (bills, debts, etc etc...

I had this impression that you were an older bloke - seems im wrong again.....

28th December 2003, 09:37 PM
I also got the impression that you were older and wiser than most of us.:confused: But this question of yours has us all stumped.I'm coming up for double long service leave in May. That twenty years has taken a lot out of me, and you can bet I won't be allowed to go away on a holiday. (not sure I'd even know how to anymore!)
Therefore I can't advise you. There is an unwritten law among married blokes that says you always tell young blokes how good marriage is so that you won't be the only one suffering.
There is also a theory on mothers-in-law. You're supposed to put the hard word on your mother-in-law on your wedding night. Then you either have a spare root for the rest of your life, or she never talks to you again. Either way you're a winner. (I didn't try that one either, too scared of the former possibility!:mad:)
I guess this is my long winded way of saying go with the stinkette and all the best to both of you.

28th December 2003, 10:42 PM

This reminds me of a discussion my girlfriend (now wife) had a number of years ago. In those days I wanted a specific kind of car. "The ring" amounted to quite a few options on the car. Now, married and 2 kids later, I've come out of it just fine. Go the Stinkette & good luck!


Wood Borer
29th December 2003, 08:37 AM
Congratulations Stinky.

It isn’t all that bad, I have a good wife who buys me good tools.

If you get her thinking that husbands rate their wives by the tools they buy, you will have a long and happy marriage. I hope she buys you good tools.

- Wood Borer

29th December 2003, 11:09 AM
Congratulations Stinky and to the future Mrs Stinky!

I voted for getting married and a kid or two for good measure. With a bit of budgeting you can still fit woodworking in, perhaps a bit slower. Think of the alternative - staying single and spending WAY too much time on this forum!!!

Building something with/for the kids adds to the joy of the hobby. I'm hoping to share the hobby with my 4 month old boy as he grows up. He'll be real handy for helping with those heavy sheet goods later!

BTW, the secret to a good marriage is low expectations. This way, everything is a pleasant surprise.:D

31st December 2003, 09:20 AM
The saw man the saw!
Women are a dime a dozen but a good saw is forever.

31st December 2003, 02:00 PM
Congratulations, Stinky!

I've said it before elsewhere on this BB: I've been married for thirty years to the same woman so I'm not sufficiently experienced to be able to give anyone advice about women, marriage, kids or any of the rest of the attendant complications. I don't (yet) own a tablesaw either!

Actually, the only advice I've ever been given that I thought had any real relevance to the whole question (y'know, life the universe etc) was:

Keep your head down and follow through.



31st December 2003, 02:19 PM
Well done, Stinky!

The engagement ring is only the start. There's the wedding ring next, and presumably one for yourself. That'll keep things quiet on the jewelry front for awhile, but then down the track there's the eternity ring, which I've found to be the most expensive of the lot.

Still it's well worth it in my opinion, even if only for the party on the wedding day. It also seemed to make the wife pretty happy although I've no idea why being stuck with me for the rest of her life would make anyone happy. I definitely got the better hand there ;)

Of course if and when the kids come, all of that goes out the window and the expenses and the rewards increase exponentially. Although it's worth mentioning that I got my Makita router and Triton router table for Father's day one year :D

All the best.

Wayne Davy
31st December 2003, 03:13 PM
Congrats Stinkie and Stinkette!!!

Well, its a tough call but, after seconds and seconds of thought, I think you should go with the Stinkette.

If your lovely lady is anything like mine, you will not regret it. In fact, my SWMBO gives me my real woodworking projects which causes the purchase of new tools :D If it was not for her, I would probably just be making jigs/cyclones/etc. instead of the set of Bunk Beds I am making for my two little boys :cool:

Best of luck and just remember this, nothing worth doing is easy - well thats what my father said anyway. Cheers mate!

PS So does this mean the Cyclone is on hold as well??? :confused:

31st December 2003, 03:19 PM

As a veteran of four marriages and sundry other live-ins, I can assure you it is ok, but give kids a miss. They are noisy, smelly, cost money and never appreciate what you did for them.

On another angle, there is a theory that if you buy a big jar and put a smartie in the jar every time you have a **** when you are single, and then when you get married, take a smartie out every time you have a ****, the jar will never be empty !

I broke my jar so i am not sure if it's true.:D

31st December 2003, 04:31 PM
Go with the Stinkette, in the end you will get the table saw.



31st December 2003, 06:11 PM
I agree with DonN.

If Stinkette turns out like my wife you'll get (as presents)

- 10" Compound Mitre Saw
- 5" Makita angle grinder
- Biggest Makita Demolition Drill
- Triton Router, Table and Stand

and that's in the first three years of marriage.

Also, to anyone who asks her, she'll tell you that when I picked the 10" Compound Mitre Saw, she wanted to get me the 12" Sliding Compound Mitre Saw!

You never know your luck Stinkalot, Stinkette may get you the table saw and DC as a present! If no chance, then Stinkette can have all the engagement presents, and you can request all the wedding invitees chip in for the DC or Jet table saw!

PS. My SHMBO demanded that I take her around to Carbatec and asked that I pause at the items I most desired! She was busily scribbling in her diary as I dutifully paused!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

PPS. I sometimes have to pay off her Visa card soon after my birthday/Christmas but what the hell, I still get nice presents for it.

1st January 2004, 01:29 AM
My vote goes for Stinkette.........
9 years of waiting (whether patiently or not) deserves more than two Jet tablesaws and a dust extractor......
What a stingy bunch of fellas you Woodworkers are!!!!

How about you give HER the two Jet tablesaws and the dust extractor, I'm sure she could find a suitable use for them!!!
Figure it out for yourself!

Congratulations and best wishes to both of you.


1st January 2004, 11:21 AM
Crock Pot: Great for hide glue.
Mixmaster: Blending any two part adhesive.
Fan forced oven. Drying kiln.
Bamix: Paint stirrer.
Breadmaker: Still working on that one.
Fridge: Definitely not for the kitchen.

My wife and daughters also think that the horse float is for transporting horses, fools, one day they will learn.

And on a final note, why does the Bride wear white?
To match all the other kitchen appliances.

Coming dear, yes dear;)

1st January 2004, 11:57 AM
Mmmmmm, been married 30 years and just found out myself this morning that horse floats are used for carting pianos away. They get a bit stroppy though being pushed up the ramp!

2nd January 2004, 04:20 AM
Congats SS,

I was planning to buy a Jet Dust Extractor before Christmas but skipped it in preferance of some black pearls (not for me).

No kidding, the live-in has since taken to cleaning the workshop with a frequency and verve that must be the next best thing.

Give a little, get a little.

2nd January 2004, 11:04 AM

The fridge is for storing superglue ( in another jar) to stop it going off once the seal has been broken.

Handy in the workshop to store a few dozen 'coldies' which can be consumed after a woodworking session to assist with the planning of the next steps


Kev Y.
2nd January 2004, 10:10 PM
dont forget the scroll saw.. just what SHE needs for making those fancy shapes in the biscuit dough.......

5th January 2004, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by hovo
I also got the impression that you were older and wiser than most of us.:confused:


That's the funniest thing I've read in ages

http://www.ubeaut.biz/hehehe.gif .....

5th January 2004, 12:59 PM
To the esteemed Sir Stinkalot,
Regardless of our jousting in the past, I do believe that the Stinkette is the wisest choice. A woman of such tolerance is hard to come by, just make sure she knows how to open wine bottles.
Kind regards and Best Wishes to you both,

7th January 2004, 10:15 AM

Not qualified to give advice but can tell you what I did. I was still a poor uni student with not much money. The one I could afford was $250 (don’t laugh!!). Hey we still love each other very much after 7.5 years. If I had the $$ I would probably go for the $2,000 to 3,000 range.

It is up to you my friend.


12th January 2004, 09:29 AM
Sir S,
In your nine long years of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral studies of Feminology, I wonder if you have come across the Pachydermatous Theory of Womanhood? It is referred to by some scholars as The W. C. Fields Conjecture. Succinctly put, it states "A woman is like an elephant - I like to look at 'em, but I wouldn't want to own one". Since you live in Victoria, a notoriously PC state, you may not be aware of this theory, since I understand that all references to it have been ruthlessly destroyed, so as to prevent the minds of Victorian men being polluted by such a thought.

On a more serious note, I think you did the right thing in buying that ring.

By the way, I wish I had noticed your ad for AutoCad Lt before it was sold on e-Bay for a paltry $51 bucks. I would have given $100 for it, and you could have bought another bottle of Bollinger for the wedding. Tell the Stinkette that, if, God forbid, you should ever be run over by a Melbourne tram, there is a buyer here ready and willing to fork out $200 for your AutoCad.

Darth Debra
8th February 2004, 12:07 PM
True...a wife will buy you a new tool but will you get to use said tool as often?:eek:

19th February 2004, 09:27 PM
this post deleted by

19th February 2004, 09:46 PM
Congrats to you both.

I've been married to Ros 16 years last January. We've had three kids, aged 11, 9, and 8. I wouldn't trade then in on anything, although I do contemplate eBAY, and power tools, when they are tired and crabby.

It's been mostly smooth sailing. As she thinks I have no major vices (apart from the 4" Engineers in the shed) and don't smoke, don't drink (much), don't bet, don't consort with other women, and I return home to the family home more-or-less the same time every day in a sober and reliable fashion, she sees fit to indulge in my various hobbies. She knows I don't like buying crappy tools, so I don't, and she's quite happy letting me maintain my motorcycle in the manner to which it has become accustomed.

It's not all beer and skittles, but my life seems to be richer than the people I know older than ourselves that have each other, and work, and that's all. She has very minor and occasionally annoying quirks that sometimes drive me nuts, but I'm sure that I display traits which have the same effect on her. The hard part, which seems to cause people problems, is that you have to realise that people are different, and the do have their own way of doing things and seeing the world. You have to accept and respect this, if you don't, then the relationship isn't going to last.

A lot of marriage is give and take, although many years ago I found that my wife, it's better to give, and then take when she'd not looking! It's certainly not worth arguing with her, the female side of her family shows a remarkable amount of independence and stubbornness (traits passed to my daughter).

Anyway good luck!


Sir Stinkalot
20th February 2004, 10:01 AM
Well ..... its all been done ..... I am now fully committed.

After popping the question December 5th 2003 I picked up the ring on Tuesday. I know it seems like a long stretch from December 5th 2003 to February 17th 2004, but in my defence .... we didn't start looking until December 24th ..... then the jeweller was on holiday and it wouldn't be ready until 1st February 2004 .... and then it took me a lazy 3 weeks to get into the city to pick it up. :D

Oh well the Stinkette seems very happy with the ring and is looking forward to showing everybody, including the neighbours cat ..... and me ..... well I just keep telling myself that I really don’t have the room for the new Jet table saw .... I guess I will need to design and build a bigger house now.

Thanks for the encouragement everybody (and some of the negatives, I guess it was a good thing that I missed Iain's post

Mr and Mrs Stinkalot :D

Wood Borer
20th February 2004, 01:29 PM

Will you be sending the invitations by Personal Message or EMAIL or do you want our addresses?

I reckon if you invite enough of us, we could all chip in and buy you that saw as a wedding gift.

Good to hear you made the right decision.

- Wood Borer

20th February 2004, 07:02 PM
Actually, I didn't post anything undesirable, I only put that comment as a response to a feminist post in the hope of provoking a few responses, only got one bite:D.
I'm sure is having a chuckle.

20th February 2004, 09:44 PM
Hey, Stinky

According to my copy of Burke's Peerage (or that might actually be Pierre's Burkage), the correct mode of address isn't Mr & Mrs Stinkalot but Sir & Lady Stinkalot. I'm sure Sir Chizalot can confirm the accuracy of all this.

Anyway, congratulations - I hope it all works out for you both.



Bob Willson
29th March 2004, 07:02 PM
I would definitely NOT have bought the ring. I really don’t believe that many women, (maybe 1 in 500) can tell the difference between a piece of cut glass and a diamond or ruby. It is all in the presentation. A very small piece of glass in a big gold ring will please her just as much as 100 carats of diamond and she will never know the difference.

If fact, I would be prepared to bet that if you actually did have a 100 carat diamond set in a gold coloured aluminium ring and a 1 carat diamond set in a gold ring then your average woman would completely scorn the 100 carat ring.

Any feelings of guilt you may harbour may be completely assuaged and ameliorated by the ownership of your new equipment.

26th March 2005, 07:47 PM

Now that you've been married for a bit, should you have gotten the Table Saw instead?


Sir Stinkalot
26th March 2005, 10:13 PM
Grunt .... the marrage seems to be working well .... the machinery keeps on coming. Since the big day I have managed to get a 2hp dusty, hitachi MV12 router and shortly a jointer and thicknesser. No saw yet but its not far off :)

26th March 2005, 10:39 PM
Go the Stinkette you will be amazed how untemperamental a tablesaw can be which means when you finally do get it you will appreciate it so much more. Mind you after the wedding that analogy can be applied in a number of areas.

John Saxton
29th March 2005, 10:01 PM
It's amazing the warm inner glow a woman can offer up at times.

It's also amazing the warm inner glow a tablesaw can offer up having measured twice and cut correctly.

It's amazing how a table saw can also treat you badly should you do the wrong thing.
It's understandable that a woman would do the same with more severe connotations!

Investments in both may or may not be for life but to ignore their whims is tantamount to a detrimental response.

Tablesaws are never warm hearted but stay true with appropriate petting,whereas a woman will always stay warm, not necessarily always true, but with continued petting may be accessible.

No slight intended.
Cheers :)

30th March 2005, 07:59 AM
Mine has an uneven surface, blunt teeth and objects to being locked up in the shed at night alone, does not like being rubbed down with floor polish and being cleaned out internally with compressed air and a small brush.

30th March 2005, 06:59 PM
This is an exercise in lateral thinking, if ever I saw one.

Seems to me she now has what she wants. The solution at hand can be summed up in one word. Postpone.

Postpone, delay, put off, whatever - until you have your saws and whatever else you need. She will soon come around to the idea if she has to wait another 9 years before the wedding bells toll.

I'd suggest kids before then, that way you can use them to throw flowers at her feet, lose the next ring etc. You never know, you may lose a finger with your new saw (touch wood you dont) and she may reject you forever after. Get the kids now. (They are well worth the effort, no matter what anyone says.)


31st March 2005, 12:38 AM
Congrats in order Stinky,

Another one bites the dust :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

About 4 years ago when funnily enough I was also 26, I proposed to Ms routermaniac.... shortly after she became Mrs routermaniac.

Marriage does add another dimension to your relationship and it was the best thing I've done. Good luck to you and I hope things work out.

PS No reason why you cant get the table saw next year :D

