11th February 2008, 12:00 AM
Advice on ceiling repair, cracking butt joints (plaster board).
Could somebody please give advice on repairing cracking along a plasterboard ceiling butt joint. The joint is about 1000mm long located across a hallway. Originally the joint had a protruding lip from a plasterboard sheet sagging.
I have installed cross members between the ceiling joist both sides of the butt joint and screwed along each side of the joint into the cross members every 150mm. This has reduced the protruding lip.
I have also scaped and sanded both sides of the joint till reasonably flush, in doing so part of the original paper tape has been scuffed and emerging through the original plaster coasts.
My questions are,
Have the steps taking so far been adequate ?
What steps are needed to complete the repair?
Can I tape and plaster over original tape?
Do I need to replace paper tape?
Do I need to sand a groove to place the new tape into?
Do I need to sand an indent or rebate along the joint so new coats of plaster don’t create a hump or ridge?
How wide and deep should I sand an indent?
How many coats of plaster are needed?
Is general-purpose plaster filler all right to use for all or any coats?
What tools are required or recommended?
Is sanding between coats required?
How do I get a smooth finish to reduce sanding back?
All advice is welcome
Could somebody please give advice on repairing cracking along a plasterboard ceiling butt joint. The joint is about 1000mm long located across a hallway. Originally the joint had a protruding lip from a plasterboard sheet sagging.
I have installed cross members between the ceiling joist both sides of the butt joint and screwed along each side of the joint into the cross members every 150mm. This has reduced the protruding lip.
I have also scaped and sanded both sides of the joint till reasonably flush, in doing so part of the original paper tape has been scuffed and emerging through the original plaster coasts.
My questions are,
Have the steps taking so far been adequate ?
What steps are needed to complete the repair?
Can I tape and plaster over original tape?
Do I need to replace paper tape?
Do I need to sand a groove to place the new tape into?
Do I need to sand an indent or rebate along the joint so new coats of plaster don’t create a hump or ridge?
How wide and deep should I sand an indent?
How many coats of plaster are needed?
Is general-purpose plaster filler all right to use for all or any coats?
What tools are required or recommended?
Is sanding between coats required?
How do I get a smooth finish to reduce sanding back?
All advice is welcome