View Full Version : Removal of mortar between limestone blocks

9th February 2008, 02:10 PM
I'm doing some renovation at my place and want to move an existing retaining wall made of limestone blocks to the back of my backyard.

First step for me is to remove the mortar between the existing blocks so I can move and re-use them. I tried hammer + bolster without any success.

Has anyone ever done that and found a good and quick way to do it?
I have in mind using a jack hammer or angle grinder but not sure of the result.

Thanks in advance

11th February 2008, 08:44 AM
Is it cement mortar? You may break a few trying to get it apart if so. A lot of rotary hammer drills have a chisel hammer setting. That would fit somewhere between angle grinder and jack hammer as a solution.

11th February 2008, 11:08 PM
I'm unfortunately a novice so not sure about your question...How I can tell if it cement mortar or not?

It's really hard and doesn't come away with screwdriver etc so I'll think there is cement use a binder.

If so, is there any point to try to remove 50 blocks and in a good shape so I can use them as backing blocks for another walls?

11th February 2008, 11:26 PM
If the motar is harder than the blocks, then good luck

Have you excavated behind the existing wall?
Often creating a void behind the wall will make separating the blocks easier.

If I were doing this I'd get a big angle grinder and cut as much of the motar away (from the front, back and sides) before trying the separate the blocks. The less motar there is the more effective your bolster will be. Also I'd start at a "free" end


29th February 2008, 06:49 PM
A very low process. Plugging chisel and club hammer

Bobcats do a good job if you have a good operator.