View Full Version : opening jpg

Greg Ward
8th February 2008, 05:52 PM
Once pictures came up automatically.
Now they come as jpgs and when I click, a message arrives stating I do not have access to this???
How can I open the pictures?

DJ’s Timber
8th February 2008, 06:34 PM
Greg I have reported this to admin and hopefully they'll help you out soon.

In the meantime, can you paste a screenshot or copy of both the jpgs links and the message your receiving, so that we can work out what is happening.

Greg Ward
9th February 2008, 11:17 AM
Sorry I can't post a screenshot or other information.... I will see what No.1 son can do when he is here next...... That's their main use I think.

joe greiner
10th February 2008, 12:21 AM
Do you tick the "Remember Me" box when logging in? Some pix may be attached in a separate domain within the family. "Remember Me" provides access.

To secure a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. This places the image on the "clipboard." Open an imaging program such as MSPaint, select the "Edit" menu, and then "Paste." The program will probably say that the image is too large, and ask if it should enlarge the field. Answer "Yes." Select "Save As" from the "File" menu, and jpg as the file type. You may need to massage the dimensions or resolution to adjust the file size for uploading. There are also screen capture programs available on the Weird Wild Web.
