View Full Version : Tile adhesive between floor boards...?
6th February 2008, 03:38 PM
Hi Guys, Just wondering what you would do with this (see below pic) it looks like some sort of adhesive substance between some of my floor boards... Its kind of spongy - if i press it with my finger nail it depresses a bit, and its sticky...
I'm guessing i should be trying to get it out?
8th February 2008, 08:46 AM
Was this a stupid question?
8th February 2008, 10:23 AM
Nah, more likely "no idea what it is and don't want to give a stupid answer".
Which applies to me as well. I'll ask just another question for someone else to do that :P
When you say between your floorboards, you mean you removed some floorboards and this was underneath the floorboards on the yellowtongue or other substrate sheet?? And that you are planning to lay new floor boards on top of this? Also, does the sticky substance adhere/bond well to the substrate (and hence possible to just add another layer of adhesive) or does it come off easily (and hence may create nightmares later on by peeling off)? Also, are you planning to secret nail and glue or just have the new floorboards installed using floating floor method?
Sorry I don't have an answer but maybe additional info may prompt others to help :)
8th February 2008, 11:01 AM
No Probs, should have given more info in the first place...
The existing boards are being polished, in the pic the black cr*p on top of the boards you can see will be scraped and sanded off, possibly with the help of a little metho - i tested that on 1 section and it came off quite easily with metho... after I have done this though the gaps between some boards are still going to have the grey stuff in there....
So when I say between floor boards, its in the tongue and groove join of the boards...
My only thought so far is to try to scrape it out, i tried that yesterday just with the prong of a small fork and it came out somewhat, its going to be very time consuming and hard to get it all out this way... it seems to be the same stuff thats still stuck to the bottom of the tiles i pulled out which makes me think its the adhesive... its still sticky and a little rubbery - definitely not brittle...
Any suggestions at this point are more than welcome...
If i cant get it out perhaps there is a way to hide it? make it black or similar to the timber or something...??
Btw, the timber is cypress