View Full Version : Cabots Cabothane Spraying??

6th February 2008, 02:09 PM
This is my first post, so try not to shoot me down too much. Ive just got into woodwork and have been having some great fun with the couple of projects Ive made. Ive tried searching for an answer for these questions but think Im missing something.

Ive been using wb stain then a wb clear coat over the top (usually around 4-5 coats) of the cabots cc and dont really like the finish Im getting. To get any depth to it I have to load the varnish on, but it tends to give me a few brush marks/strokes through it. Im sanding with fine grade between coats, looks great when wet and cant see any brush strokes but once it dries, it doesnt look as deep and I can see slight brush strokes. OK, but not what im after.

So im moving onto use the oil based products (Cabothane) and wouldnt mind spraying it on to avoid brushing.

It said on the can it can be sprayed without thinning?? Any thoughts?
Does anyone do this with success or am I wasting my time and should look at other options?
What other brands do you suggest?

Also, if Im going to spray, Ive got a 2hp 32lt compressor but need to look into getting a HVLP, any suggestions on brands, cheap or expensive?

Thanks in advance.

Big Shed
6th February 2008, 02:21 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Whether or not you can spray Cabothane without thinning will depend on what type of spraygun you and what size nozzle/needle. In any case it can be successfully sprayed.

There have been a number of quite detailed threads on HVLP spray guns and a search will find them for you.

Select Search from the menu bar above and type in HVLP.

Or click on this link (http://woodworkforums.com/search.php?searchid=2160031)

6th February 2008, 02:25 PM
Thanks big shed for the fast response. I was pretty sure you could spray it, just not sure how good the finish was going to be and if its worth doing. Thanks.

Big Shed
6th February 2008, 02:33 PM
The spraying of the gloss Cabothane should result in a very good finish. The satin and matte single pack polyurethanes, not only from Cabots, can result in a blotchy patterned finish at times, particularly if applied in too wet a coat.
I use a PorterCable PSH1 HVLP spray gun from Carbatec, unfortunately they no longer stock them.

6th February 2008, 06:55 PM
Pretty much all HVLP guns will come with a funnel like gizmo that you use to check the paint viscosity. You dip it into the paint & time how long it takes to empty - which is where you find 3 hands are very convenient.

Don't dilute the main supply, just dilute enough to fill the gun pot as some paints don't last if you use thinners - they 'set' or produce gunky bits that stuff up your gun. Either discard leftovers or use a collapsible bottle like the ones sold by Lee Valley if you have a lot left over.

6th February 2008, 07:34 PM
For a high gloss that looks knee deep with carbothane,

thin about 20% for the first coat and apply a thin coat, rub this back lightly using some 0000 steelwool just enough to remove the shine and any dust/raised grain, next coat thin it 10% and lay it on thick as you can get it.
Again lightly run this down with 0000 SW, but only enough to remove any dust.
3rd coat do the same 10% and get it on thick as possible.

Spraying HG Carbothane is very similar to spraying automotive/industrial enamel paint, you need the wet thickness for it to flow out for a smooth shine. You dont need a superdooper gun because of this characteristic... anything better than a Eagerbeaver will do the job. BTW it brushes on nicely too, just make sure its on thick and dont over work it.

Practice this technique on some scrap first to see how much you can lay on before it runs.
If you do put runs on your project, let it fully cure(3~5days)then rub it back with W&D paper using some dishwashing detergent in the water(a spray bottle is handy!).

6th February 2008, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the replies. Harry, that looks greeattt :2tsup:. What thinners do you recommend? Once I find out the best thinners to use im gunna get straight into it. That photos an inspiration to a great finish. Cheers again.

6th February 2008, 09:26 PM
Just everyday $6 for 4ltrs turps.

7th February 2008, 06:53 PM
Thanks harry, cheerz...

9th February 2008, 01:21 PM
Wooop's :-... its $14 per 4ltr turps!(just had to restock me supply)

Big Shed
9th February 2008, 03:27 PM
Wooop's :-... its $14 per 4ltr turps!(just had to restock me supply)

I thought that Turps was very cheap in Pirie:rolleyes:

Depends where you buy it though, local GoLo sells it for $2.50 per 1 Litre bottle (Diggers)

25th February 2013, 07:43 PM
I know this is an old thread but I was just wondering will this go on ok over White Knights Satin Enamel paint?, I have a cabinet which is painted with the White Knights Satin back but its also sanded back to a dull finish ready for some sort of clear coat.... does anyone suggest anything?